I Just Can't

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Brynn had been sitting at home, watching Stranger Things when there were knocks on her door, she sighed and rolled her eyes, adjusting her shorts slightly and raking a hand through her hair to even it out before going to the door

"Coming," she said as she neared the door and pulled it open, her eyes widened at the glinted blue eyes, brown/blonde hair and popped dimples decorating the wide smile

"Jon," she said in disbelief

"Hey B!" He said with a big grin, pushing past her, toeing off his sneakers and pulling off his socks as he sat down on the couch and put the bag in his hands down on the hotel's coffee table

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, going over to stand in front of him

"Can't a guy have a night with his best friend?" He asked her, smile still present on his face

"But weren't you supposed to go to some fancy thing with Renee and her mom?" She asked him, genuinly confused

"I told her I'd rather spend the night with you, I mean c'mon, don't want Crossfit Jesus replacing me now," he said still smiling and Brynn smirked, so that's what this was all about

"Jon, no one in this world could ever replace you," she assured him, honestly cuz damn, this blue eyed, baby-faced, son of a gun has been her support system for 10+ years, why would she ever turn her back on him?

"It's no secret that I haven't been as available as I could be, and I just don't wanna lose you," he said and she nodded

"I just don't," he said and again, she nodded

"You won't lose me, ever." She assured him because it was true

"I screwed us up just like I screw everything else up," he said and she hugged him quickly

"No Jonny, don't say that. You're still my best friend and you'll always be my best friend. Through hell and high water, we're sticking together." She told him and he kissed her temple

"What even is all this?" She asked as she stood back up and looked at the bag he brought in

His smile returned 10 fold and he reached his hand in the bag, pulling out two plastic containers of their favourite oreo cheesecake, a 12 pack of beers, a bucket of Rider's hot wings and about 15 different DVD's

Her eyes glistened as she looked at it

"You up for it?" He asked and she wildly nodded

"Always," she replied with a smile

It was about 2 in the morning when all the DVDs had been watched, all the beer drank, all the hot wings eaten and the cheesecake made extinct

Joe walked in, reeking of beer and cigarette smoke thanks to the old man that stood way too close to him to bum a cigarette

"Aw." He cooed as he took in the sight in front of him

Jon had his legs on the couch, bent up, Brynn cuddled into the crook of his neck, his hands on his stomach, both of them asleep with the last seconds of 21 Jump Street playing on the TV

He smiled and walked into their bedroom and pulled a blanket off the bed and walked back over, gently covering the two bodies on the bed

"Sleep well baby girl," he wished, leaning down to press his lips against hers

"Hmm Joe," she said with a calm smile on her face but she didn't wake up

Joe smiled and took off the TV, cleaned up the mess and took off the light and went to his bed and fell asleep

He trusted Jon, and even if he didn't, he trusted Brynn, plus if she wanted Jon, she wouldn't hurt him by cheating, she was too kind for that. He smiled at the thought of her as his breathing evened out

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