16 ~ Weakness

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When tae brain hits him to remind what he said just now, his eyes wide opened in shock and met guk's equal surprised eyes, the next seconds tae pushed away the boy using his pillow and ran downstairs bathroom to hide his crimson red face. Guk took a few minutes to come back, he sits on the floor resting his back over the bed edge, as his lips are slowly widening in a soft smile 💭 So he didn't lie when he was drunk! 💭

Behind the closed bathroom door, Tae cursed himself looking at the mirror "What the hell happened to you tae? Gukkie? Really? Woakkkkkk.." he cleaned his mouth with water like he ate some shit "..Are you lost your mind or what?.." slaps his cheeks forcibly "..Wake up from your nightmare, wake up, wake upppppp" splashing the cold waters over his reddish face it only makes him more red; after a few more cute curses himself he went to take a cold bath.

Rest of the day tae completely avoids guk, he spends most of his time with his hyungs and refuses to go to his room. Unusually guk eyes are searching for him, he even ditched his swimming practice for the first time! But when he heads to the room with a lot of excitement and an unusual long time smile it was faded slowly by seeing an empty room "Tsk, I'm just early than usual time, nothing else" says to himself while heading upstairs.

⏮️ time skip @ 11:36pm ⏭️

"Hey taetae, are you okay?" minho asked the person who seemed space out now and then.

"Huh?.." nods slowly as his mind is still occupied with something else "..yes, hyung I'm okay" minho nods and turns to join with others but tae stopped him "Ahmmm hyung, can..can I sleep here?" tae asks hesitantly but without hesitation he gets a reply from minho "Of course" so he spends the whole night with minho and taemin's room, not aware of that someone is waiting for him in room number '3612'.

⏮️ time skip @ next day morning ⏭️

Tae opened the door number '3612' slowly but sad the unlock beep already makes bite his lips in fail 💭 It's okay tae, he won't wake up this early anyway so just go in and take a bath, then leave; that's it 💭 says to himself while sliding the door slowly and peeks his head inside first to take a look.

Tae was about to look up, but guk didn't give him that work as he was already sitting on the couch and staring at the door with red eyes. Tae released his holding breath and opened the door widely while rolling his eyes and stepped in casually 💭 Why did he wake up this early? 💭 avoids guk's deep stare on him and heads straight to the bathroom, closed it. Now guk's red staring eyes moved to the main door to the bathroom door.

Tae tries his best to not look at the couch but he can't help as soon as he stepped out from the bathroom he side eyed on the boy who was staring at him with full of anger and fist hand. Tae gulps and runs upstairs in fear, he doesn't even look straight at him but he can feel the guk's anger.

Guk didn't utter a single word at the same time he didn't stop his stare on the boy either. Tae dashed out from the room as soon as possible, he can't be with the new odd feels that guk is giving him.

⏮️ time skip @ next day ⏭️

The second day also tae didn't go to his room and stayed with his hyungs. They also let him sleep with them without any questions, because they did not find anything bad from tae's as usual.

With a secret alcohol bottle guk went to sleep and balanced yesterday's whole wake up for nothing.

⏮️ time skip @ next day, morning ⏭️

Tae didn't feel good about going on days like this, he questioned himself for whom he is hiding and why? So he decided to overcome and begin his day like usual day.

Today he didn't peek like yesterday just opened the door widely with a loud noise and stepped in. Now his eyes went straight toward the couch but it's empty, he was about to go to the bathroom that's why he was here. But unconsciously his legs took him upstairs and met the sleeping person next to the few empty bottles.

💭 Why did he drink? 💭 tae examines guk head to toe, while guk turned opposite side to hid his face as he already sensed someone's presence "I'm not here to meet you anyway" tae says and heads downstairs.

Now it is guk's turn to avoid tae, anyway tae didn't take that seriously so it doesn't bother his daily works. Days passed, Guk didn't stop giving his dead glare whenever tae stepped in front of his sight. Their silent wars goes like that for a few days, until tae gets irritated by guk's unwanted glare.

⏮️ time info @ 7:36pm ⏭️

Tae closed his books in irritation and turned toward the person who was glaring at him from a few feet away "Why are you here? What the hell you want from me just spit it already idiot. I can't tolerate your eyes on me always anymore" guk didn't say anything just continues his glare seriously, tae rolls his eyes in more irritation "You don't have any of your waste practice classes?" tae asks and receives a non blinking glare again "You can spit it already or stop staring at me, or do I look that beautiful in your eyes?" tae asks and gets an instant uninterested expression from guk with rolling eyes, tae clears his throat "Fine, then stop eating me with your fucking eyes, idiot" tae yells and receives a same glare "Okay, you won't talk but wanna stare hmmm, continue, I will see how many days you are taking this" with that tae went upstairs to sleep on his bed. A few minutes later guk also went to his bed and continued his glaring competition at the closed curtains.

Behind the covered blanket tae thinks 💭 What happened to that idiot? Why is he staring at me like I have killed someone? 💭 he slowly reached the curtain's edge to peek out and pulled back his head in the same speed when he confirmed guk still glaring at him 💭 He is really not a human 💭 with that tae went to sleep.

⏮️ time skip @ next day morning ⏭️

Tae fixes his uniform while checking himself in front of the large mirror, not caring about guk's as usual glare. Guk didn't take off his eyes on tae, until tae lifts up the shirt to fix his pants; then only tae also noticed guk instantly taking his eyes off from him with a little nervousness.

Tae smirks at him 💭 So this is your weakness? My tummy? 💭 tae decided to confirm it so he waited until guk eyes landed on him again. A few seconds later guk turned to continue his glare, this time tae purposely acts like it was an accident of showing his tummy, guk again turned his head with controlling breath in anger with fist hand. Tae watches everything through the same mirror and smiles in victory, this time he waits with full confidence. Guk takes minutes to turn back and when he looks at the mirror his eyes glaring more in anger by seeing teasing tae. Tae lifted up his shirt more than enough to show his cute and softest tummy as he checked and traced it with his perfect innocent acting skill. With a tight fist hands and gritted teeth guk got up and went to the bathroom while tae dancing in victory "Now will see your stare on me, idiot" says only enough to hear himself and did a tongue out teasing post in front of the closed bathroom door.

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