58 ~ Immature

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"No matter how many times you guys are trying to get it, I will never give back mine" guk says adamantly refused to give back that ring.

"Don't be like an immature kid jeongguk, it is taehyung's ring and we all know it very well including you" yoona raised her voice.

"It doesn't matter who was the owner, I'm the one who kept safe with me for the entire time. So I have the full right to keep it"

"If you didn't steal it from me that time you can not hang it on your neck right now" tae yells in anger.

"I'm telling you again and again lolita, I didn't steal it you are the one who carelessly missed it. I dunno either how it came to me" guk says the truth.

"You should have returned it when we met again"

"As I said it is mine, I can not give back" guk stick with his words.

While tae and yoona glaring at the adamant person chang wook clears his throat before speaking "There is no logic in your words jeongguk, give back to him" says as a final decision, tae face lit up in relief to get back his very precise thing in his life. But no one expects guk's reply to come out like this "I request EVERYONE to drop this topic and mind your own business. It is just a ring to him, so tell him to forget about it. I CAN NOT RETURN IT, that's the final answer" with that cold tone guk left the home without tae.

⏪ time skips @ after 1 hour ⏩

No one expects that kind of response from guk to his dad, this is the first time guk directly ignored his dad's word.

Chang wook lost his words, yoona completely in shock and worries at how her son behaviour is getting worse. By seeing both of their sad face tae stopped crying and tried to act like his precious ring doesn't important in his life, and it was his and guk's usual fight so the ring is just played the role nothing more nothing less. But in deep he knows!

Tae breaks the thick silence filled in the bright home "I'm sorry aunt and uncle, to ruin your mood. That idiot doesn't have any brain to think about how to use the words. Please don't take it to your heart"

Yoona patting his head while smiling at his cute puppy doe eyes that are waiting for them to see their happy smiles only "I don't know to whom should I worry about, the person who is growing without worrying about others feeling or who has a pure heart and total opposite of his personalities"

"Do you mean that idiot and me, aunt?" yoona nods slightly as yes "May I tell you one secret, aunt? I'm definitely not this soft to that idiot, even before we came to the hall you could see my bite marks on him, I already punished him for what he did aunt. So don't worry about us, as he said it..it jus..just a ring I cou.id buy a new one.." tae's cracked voice cuts by chang wook "He might not use to express his feelings in the right way but I'm sure he is giving more value to that ring than you think taehyung. That's why when we pressured him to do that his words come out coldly. I can understand him moreover he has my DNA so relatable. Just him some time taehyung he will definitely change for you" tae and yoona mouth opened at chang wook words in how he could still talk for his son "I thought you will be mad at for him" yoona says, chang wook calmly nods "Yes, I'm. The way he talks to his parents is not a good thing, but I respect his private feeling" before yoona argue he stopped both of them "Taehyung, haven't eaten from the morning still you want to continue this argument?" after a deep sigh and slight glare at him yoona went to the kitchen.

⏪ time skips @ school dorm ⏩

"Don't feel any pressure taehyung, just be yourself okay?" Chang wook says before dropping the person in front of the school dorm.

"Aishhh, don't worry about me uncle I'm stronger than you think just take care of aunt, bye-bye" hop out of the car after receiving a goodbye hug and chu from his uncle.

Chang wook waits until tae fade away from his sights "Why do you can not use your brain the way you using in the business jeongguk? Life is where you have to be more careful than the business. Once you lost you can't get back like previous" he leaves a deep sigh before head back to the home.

While tae heading to his room number 3612, he noticed many people looking at him differently. It is like they got a huge point to gossip about him. But tae doesn't care about it, shrugs them and heads straight to his room full of anger.

'Takkkkk' the door opened and slammed against the wall with a loud sound.

Tae wants to show how mad he is at someone, but sadly the someone is not in the room as he thought so the poor door effort wasted!

💭 Not here? Who cares 😏 💭 even though guk is not here tae still shows his mad at the empty room to make everything louder.

⏪ time skips @ after 10pm ⏩

As you everyone's guess guk come back from his usual stress relief place of the swim.

When he entered the room as he guessed all of his belongings lying on the floor except only one lying on the bed by facing the wall and showing the back to him.

"Does your anger gone now? By throwing and smashing my things?"

💭 I didn't even start yet 💭 tae just answers to himself refused to look at the person who talks to him casually like nothing happens.

"Have you eaten? I didn't have my dinner yet, come on lolita get up. Let's go to a cafeteria"

💭 how..how can you, seriously? I can not believe you, idiot. You know I'm mad at you but still, you are asking me to come out with you?!!! 💭

"I know you are not asleep, get up lolita"

💭 do you think I'm acting for you? Nah 💭 tae turned right away to look at the person with wide-opened eyes to let him know that he is not asleep nor acting for him, just a glare.

When guk turned to look at tae after grabbed his wallet he noticed the cute angry puppy looking at widely "Hmm, I know you can not resist my handsome face but I'm hungry right now"

Tae eyes little bit landed down on the place where now he could see his ring directly 💭 these whole days you hidden it 💭 tried to swallow his tears and keep the cold face.

Guk kneeled in front of the cute angry face, tried to grab his hand but tae slapped it "tskk" after a warning growl again guk grabbed his hand forcibly and placed it on the ring to let him touch it "You can touch it whenever you want, and play with it how long you want, lolita. You have that permission but you can not keep it. I won't give"

Tae hand fist tightly with that ring and gritted teeth. When he was about to pull out guk stopped his hand by gripping tightly with a warning glare "wrong move, taehyung"

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