50 ~ Surprise Plan

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When tae woke up he felt whatever happened yesterday night was a dream by seeing the empty room. He was expected a romantic morning with his new gukkie like every couple, but when he woke up with a full emptiness his heart also remains the same "Why is my love complicated?"

💭 All I was expecting a normal couple life, how they wake up with each other embrace and morning sweet kisses, brushing at the same time and teasing each other in front of the mirror, intertwined hands walk, eating together, waiting for them in the evening, going date, wishing the day should not end now, and romantic night, this is all I want! But this idiot?! 💭 grabs the pillow and throws in the anger "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" screams loudly as much as he could to release his morning temper.

Of course, he saw the sticky note which is next to the bed, but he doesn't even care to tear it with any second thoughts 📝 Sorry and miss you, lolita 📝 "Miss you? You should have written here 'love you, lolita'.." tae screams more in anger and searching few more thing that he could help him to throw and calm down his anger but which he can't do! He can't mess up their room like how guk usually and casually could do "..why the fuck do I fell in love with a person like you idiot? You can never do in my life what I really want, then why? ahhhhhhhhhhh"

⏮️ meanwhile @ tournament place ⏭️

"Why the hell you left yesterday? We were almost to catch, but my smart brain worked on the perfect time to let you escape. If I did not lie on time we are dead now, do you know that brat?" hoseok yells guk at the same time he praises himself for how they escaped from yoongi.

"He didn't find it right, that's what I want. Now leave me" guk says while fixing his shoelaces to get into the field for practice before their 1st day of the match start.

"Leave you? hah, do you think I saved you to just leave you?"

Guk glancing at his friend with narrowed eyes in confusion, he has never ever seen him like this before. Hoseok eyes shine in excitement, he can't able to stand in one place, hands are squeeing to control himself. Guk looking at his head to toe before asking "What happened to you first?"

That's it hoseok all hyped like he was waited his whole year to just hear this single question "Wow, you also noticed it jeongguk? yeah, something happened to me. You can see it right? I'm..I'm going crazy"

While hoseok yells in happiness as not care about other eyes landing over him, guk looking at him like he doesn't know who is this person and muttered "Yeah, I think so" nodding slightly at hoseok's sudden crazy activities.

"Do you know who is behind my happiness?" while hoseok asks him in excitement guk rolls his eyes as finally got his point.

But hoseok continues as he does not care about his uninterested friend "My darling Jennie" says with opened arms and closed eyes like he is calling his angel.

Guk snapped in front of the daydreaming boy to get back "For your kind information we have only 30 minutes to the match"

"I know I know" says in a little fake angry to the person who wakes him up from his daydream.

Hoseok grabs him to stop "Wait, wait I totally forget to tell why I saved you"

Guk sighed and asks "Tsk, what the hell you want hoseok?"

"To your birthday party, my darling also have to come"

With no second thoughts guk instantly agrees like he doesn't have any problem at all "Okay, fine. Do as your wish, you don't have to ask me for these things"

"If I gonna invite her I don't need your permission brat, but here you are the one gonna invite my darling"

"What the hell, why should I do that, I can't and I won't"

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