47 ~ Selection Process

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First of all, A BIG SORRY my dears, for taking a long break to update. Second of all, sorry and thanks to each and everyone who ever worried about me and texted me! Third of all, thank you soooooo much for welcoming my pup (my sis's newborn baby) who entered our family to show us a new world! 🥰😘🥳


⏪ time info @ basketball building, selection process ongoing ⏩

Everyone in the stadium watching the hot match by sitting edge of the seat. Yoongi only takes reviews of how players do they perform only until the final contestant gets in the field. That's none other than the great Jeon Jungguk. As everyone expects (everyone means here is players and coaches, not students who have classes) yoongi didn't give a fuck about guk in their friendship zone, he used his tricks to play in legend level because guk also giving that much competition. If he wants to tell the truth, he was amused by guk sudden high-level tricks. But yoongi managed well to keep his score high he was the one leading to winning the match.

Their conversation while playing:

"Yoongi, you don't have to go to these level, this match just for the selection process"

"If you are scared to lose then leave the field now, no one stopping you"

"I didn't say I'm scared, I just want my old yoongi back. The one who cares about me"

"No use, you lost him already"

"Nope, it will never happen"

"Are you in that much confidence?"


"Don't forget that still, I can disqualify you, this stupid process can't me from what I want to do"

"No, you should play a fair game like how you play with others"

"Why would I? Have you ever listened to me as others do? No right? Then why would I play easily on you?"

"Do you think I can't win against you, yoongi?"

"Try if you can"

"What would I get in return? Hmm, how about my.." Yoongi cuts him "I won't come anywhere" guk smirked in yoongi's advanced reply "So you have already decided?"

"Yes, so don't expect me"

"Kol, if you win this match you don't have come, but I win you must have to.." Yoongi again cuts him "I said I won't, so stop talking nonsense"

"Why? Then you scared of me? Because I have a chance to win?"

This time yoongi smirked "In your dreams"

"That's it, bring out your ass to fight with a real player like me"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at guk's unnecessary overconfidence, without any reply he dodged the ball from him and starts to focus more on the game as his hands will talk for him.

Yoongi leading the score but guk also equally managed to keep his score. Yoongi did every way to keep the ball with him. But fortunately or unfortunately he didn't expect new tricks from guk! The next, next balls guk scored, at the end of the match as no one expects guk won the match in just one point difference.

"Then I can expect you in.." yoongi cuts him "Nope, I won't go anywhere" yoongi tries to escape from there but guk stopped him "Bet is bet yoongi, you should not take back"

"First of all, I have never committed to any of your shitty bet, now move away"

"This is not fair yoongi" 

"I know to whom I would play a fair game"


"I wo.." guk cuts him "I know you have never missed my birthday party, so my bet also no meaning here.." now yoongi cuts the person who is talking in overconfidence "I'm no longer that Min Yoongi who you used to be tolerant all of your stupidies"

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