87 ~ Piles of Clothes

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⏮️ time info @ December 21, morning 10 o'clock in Seoul ⏭️

The school announced a holiday for the next 10 days so most of the students in the dorm begin to vacate and spend their holidays with beloved ones. That's how tae planned to go to his place in Daegu, but fortunately or unfortunately, his parent already planned to visit their first son's place and celebrate the holiday with the whole family members. Because not only Christmas or New Year, there is more than that is waiting! None other than their cute little baby's 18th birthday.

Tae also happily waited for his 18th birthday, but only until he heard that bitter news from his boyfriend not only that delaying news, the way guk replied to him as he completely forgot his birthday. So he is no more interested in his birthday.

While tae packing and cleaning the room, he noticed something under his bed like he was hiding something quite long back. With knitted brows, he leaned down to grab out that black card "Ahhhhh, gukkie's credit card, they gave it to me very long. I totally forget to give it back to gukkie. He doesn't even ask lately. When he comes back will return it to him" tae says to himself at the same time his mobile rings.


"Gukkie?! Why is he calling this time?!" 7 PM there, guk usually calls him after 8 PM after finishing his all work. He picked the call "Hey, gukkie" greets him while walking and packing his things one by one.

"Hey, lolita. Just now saw your text. Is that necessary to go there?" that's the first question that comes out from guk.

Tae rolls his eyes in irritation by guk's usual questions, whenever tae says that he is going to his brother's place to stay there for the weekend or dinner the first question must be from guk was like 'Is that necessary?' 'Why can't you go to our home (Guk's place)?' 'Spend your time with jimin and hoseok' 'How long are you gonna be there?' 'Just one hour is not enough' 'He is just your brother you don't need to visit him every week' 'Tell them that you were sick, you can't make it today' 'Just go for dinner only don't stay there' this kind of stupid words will come out from him because the main reason Jin has never ever allowed tae to talk with him when he was there. No matter, how much tae tries to convince jin, jin has never allowed at the end tae has to follow what jin says.

Tae even tried to speak with guk one late night but was caught in the red-handed and makes him lose his mobile. So when he stepped inside the home he should submit his mobile to jin. When he goes back to school Monday then only he can get back with a lot of advice 'Don't talk with that brat' 'He is no match for you, tae baby' 'He is just like an illusion in your life' 'He is not true' 'He will always be a hardship in your life' 'You can't be happy with him' 'Chances are he will hurt you in the future' even hearing those bunch of scandalizing tae didn't stop loving his gukkie or his brother. He can't stop loving his gukkie who is meant to be his life hereafter and another side his brother who is protecting him from the beginning even before he steps into the world. He can't let go of any of them at the same time he wants them to have a proper talk in-person to short out their god damn issues whatever it is!

Tae replies to guk while collecting his clothes on the bed "I have told you a thousand times gukkie, he is my brother and I will go there whenever I want. If you have a problem it's yours I can't do anything about it"

"But that pi.." guk instantly controlled his words when tae gives him a death glare as dare you say one more bad word about his brother "..I mean he should not take your mobile, it's like he is controlling your privacy life"

"He?" tae asks like who is talking that.

Guk nods immediately.

"First of all, What is the problem between the two of you? I really didn't get that"

"I don't have any problem, he is the one stopping me from contacting you"

"Only when I was with him, don't act like he is doing this for my entire life"

"Definitely he will do, I'm damn sure that piggy is waiting for the right to separate us permanently" guk can't control his tongue and spit out the word how he always calls jin and earns a dead glare again "What? I'm telling the truth only"

"Even if he did something like you said, do you think I will let go of you?"

"Who knows? To you, your jinnie hyung is always the first priority"

Tae rolls his eyes and sighs as he knows what is guk's intention now is, they need to fight and in the end, tae should stay in the dorm only. So he is triggering him but tae calmly responds "I don't care what you say if you don't have any work than fighting with me, bye. I have a pile of clothes to fold"

When tae was about to end the call guk quickly stopped him "Okay, okay. I won't fight don't cut the call, then I don't know when your piggy brother would give back your mobile"

"Stop calling him like that otherwise I will surely cut the call, gukkie"

"He is piggy so I'm cal..yahhh fine fine I won't call him like that" guk saved the call.

While tae sits on the bed and places the mobile a bit far to talk and do his work at the same time, picks one of the clothes to fold it "How was the day?" their normal conversation begins.

"As usual empty without you"

"Empty? then what is my ring doing there? Send it back"

"That was mine"

"Ahhh, always say this. Look, one day or one day yourself going to give back my ring to me. And I will make it happen"

"That will happen only in your dreams"

"What will you do if I make it happen.." guk cuts him when he noticed something on the bed "Wait, what are my clothes doing on the bed?"

Tae starts to nervous suddenly and tries to hide it by throwing away from the camera sight, but sadly it was already caught in the eagle's eyes "Noth..nothing"

"If nothing, why did you throw it away?"

"I..I'm just taken out to ironing and folding then keep it inside again" smile sheepishly but poor tae can't lie properly!

Guk pointing the balanced piles of tae's clothes which are still on the bed "those weren't all freshly washed clothes? why were my clothes mixed with this? if you really took out my clothes to just iron and fold then keep it inside again?!! There is no logic in, lolita. Next time come up with a good one okay?" tease the person who is refusing to look at him.

"Okay come on tell me, lolita. I can guess it already, all you have to do is just confess it. That you are missing me badly, deeply, crazily. That's why you are wearing my SHIRTS ONLY, I don't know why do I can't see any of my pants!.." with closed eyes tae yells in the pinkish face "Shut uppp" but guk eyes searching to find his pants with a pray of that it should not be here 💭 Please just shirts only, shirts only 💭 when he can't find any pants his lips curved in a smug smile "..So when I beg you literally every day to see you with my shirts, you are wearing it secretly? I'm gonna be your husband I don't know why you are being this much shy to.." tae yells loudly while throwing the clothes at the camera "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UPPP, YOU IDIOT"

"That was the only one day when I saw your body with my shirt, do you know how much am I hungry for your.." tae again cuts guk's wild imagination "If you don't shut up, then I will end the call, this time really, idiot. I swear"

"Okay, okay, whatever it be I have to be there in to fulfill.." when tae leans closer to the red button, now guk yells "Yahhh, yah, fine. Do whatever you want with my shirt I won't ask you, happy?" tae nods slightly still his face glowing with that cute pinkish.

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