105 ~ Refuse

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I'm so sorry for taking so much time to update guys. I'm perfectly fine, no worries. Just lost interest in writing, mianhae! I hope myself to participate more!!


"Stop showing your ugly teeth, idiot. It's irritating me" tae yells at guk in irritation while unpacking his clothes and tannie's food into his new temporary place.

He is doing this for tannie only! That's what he is saying to himself. But the actual reason is something else for someone.

"I know you want to stay here with me, lolita" Guk says still showing an ear-to-ear grin shamelessly.

"In your dreams, I'm staying here for my son only. You have promised me to take care of him, otherwise I would have been in my hyung's place now"

"I can still argue to bring out the truth from your bottom of heart, lolita. But I won't do that, you gonna be with me that's all I want right now" Grins again, tae just rolled out his eyes to ignore the truth.

Tae purposely delays unpacking his all of stuff, he can clearly feel guk's eye on him. Wherever he goes in the room guk eyes follow him shamelessly in sitting boss mode. Tae sighs and turns to face it finally, "How long do you gonna stay here? Go to your room. If you want anything let me know I will be there okay? Go now"

"What are you talking about? I'm going to stay here! with.you" Guk says casually.

"I refuse, go to your room"

"No, I refuse to go"

"Stop playing"

"No, I'm serious"

"Okay then you stay here I will take your room"

"I refuse you to do that as well, that's my room"

"I.know.that.is.your.fucking.room. If you don't leave then I'll seriously leave your house"

"That's not my fucking room, dear. So far I remember we didn't do any 18+ yet. If you are ready I'm glad to do it even now. I don't care whether you are 17 or gonna be 18 in a few months age is just a number you know" Guk winks at the slight blushing boy whose face turns slowly to red.

"You idiot, you can't even move one inch without my help, you are dreaming to do nasty stuff already, pervert"

"To make love as well I need your help, lolita. Without partner's help in the bed, it will be not fulfilled nor satisfied" after a long ass time he had a chance to tease his lolita again and damn happy to see tae blushing response.

"S..stop talking bullshit, idiot" He completely turned the opposite side to hide his reddish face.

"Bullshit?! Don't dishonor my precious goal, lolita"

"Precious goal?! This?! Yuckkk"

"Yuck?! Don't act like you are an innocent in front of me lolita. I know you better than anyone"

Tae ditched to answer him and grabs his luggage "I'm leaving"

"Wait, wait, lolita.." tae stops "..okay fine. I won't talk like that, happy?" tae turns to look at him "Go to your room"

"I..I can't"

"I will help you" tae walks to him at the thought of guk asking for physical help.

"No, I mean. My room is completely messed up, I have to clean up later"

"No worries, I will clean up your mess, that is not new to me anyway"



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