Chaopter 31: The After Party Truth

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Chapter 31: After Party Party Thruth


We headed for the after party at Tanner’s house this time and I felt my heart racing… the last time we were at a wedding party was Sasha’s and Daniels and this is when Paisley got drunk and she wanted me to stay with her… and the place where we had sex for the first time. I looked around the room to see Abby talking to friends so I walked away trying to find Paisley but no luck.

"Scott we need to talk", Sasha says in a low voice.

"Sure sis", I say taking her hand and bringing her out to the backyard. "What’s wrong?" I could see tears in her eyes. "Sasha".

"I just couldn’t stop the wedding", she said out crying out.

"Why would you even want to?" I asked her.

"Because… Paisley…that night when she came to the hotel to talk to me and when she held Taylor she noticed something that none of has," she says breathing in besides crying out.

"And?" I asked.

"She said Taylor wasn’t yours."

"So?" I say already knowing.

"So… here", she says handing me a piece of paper. I opened it up and read it out loud to her.

"As to the samples we took here at “Baylor Testing Center” we have found that the two samples were not a match". I looked up at Sasha. "What wasn’t a match?"

"You and Taylor." I felt my eyes widen.

"You mean… she isn’t my daughter?" I say traumatized

"I’m so sorry". My heart was broken but I felt glee for some reason.

"You should have spoken up", I tell her.

"I know-I know but I couldn’t I’m sorry," she says crying again. I kissed her cheek and rushed back in the house to try to find Paisley but instead I found the liar herself. I quickly hid the page in my pocket and watched as she made her way toward me. She gave me a kiss and gave me a smile.

"Oh I love you so much", she says happily. She walked off again and I hurried around the house to find her but nothing… is she even here?

Time soon passed and she was still nowhere to be found. I told Abby to wait for a second more for her to throw the bouquet of flowers in the air but she kept on denying it. So when all the unmarried girls got in a group ready to attack flowers I noticed her in the middle.

"Three… two… one!" Abby shouts out before throwing the flowers in the air and I watched as the flowers went directly to Paisley. She held them up and everyone started clapping for her. I was heading toward her but Tanner got to her and laid a kiss on her lips. "Oh how sweet right?" Abby says wrapping her arm around mine. "Come on let’s go cut the cake", she says dragging me away. People lined up eating for their piece of cake and when everyone got it they devoured it. "Damn these fat people didn’t even let you say a toast first".

"I didn’t want to anyways, Abby", I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me. "Wasn’t the vows enough already?"

"No!" She yelled out making everyone stop and stare over at us. "Sorry I almost ruined my dress with frosting", she says out lying and people began talking again. "That was a close one", she says out. I started walking away but she followed me all the way to the backyard.

"I can’t keep it me any longer!" I yelled out.


"This!" I say taking out the test results.

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