chapter 8: long night

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Chapter 8: long night

"It’s about time! My dad’s already out making the burgers, let’s go swim!" Tanner says grabbing our arms and pulling us to the backyard. I could already smell the aroma of the burger meat sizzling in the grill. I was so concentrated with the aroma I didn’t realize we made it outside until I felt one of the boys pushed me into the warm water.

"What the hell! "I yell out once I came up for air. "You’re lucky Scott taught me to swim last year!" I tell them.  

"Well he was the one who pushed you in there Paisley", Tanner tells me with a smile. I looked at Scott but all he did was hold in a laugh.

"Well are you two too much of chickens to get in?" I asked. The boys looked at one another not sure which one of them to go first. They tried pushing each other but failed every single time, it was getting me exhausted, but what they didn’t know is that Mike was coming from behind them ready to push them. I started getting all excited to see their faces once they fall in. Mike was so close behind them I bet they could feel him creeping from behind. Tanner and Scott turned around to see Mike so just when he was going to push them in they dodged him and instead of the boys he fell in. We all couldn’t help but laugh, it’s been forever that I’ve seen him in here.  

"Ah shut up! "He says getting out the pool. "I’m going to get changed real fast". We watched as he disappeared into the house then we looked at each other.

"I’m getting tired of this we came to swim so come on!" I tell them but no movements. "Fine whoever gets in first gets a kiss from me," I say.

"I already get kisses from you", Scott says. I felt my face get hot remembering what just happened minutes ago in his room.

"What do you mean?" Tanner asked suspicious. "What did you do in the room?!"

"Nothing we did nothing", I say.

"We were going to", Scott mumbled but Tanner must have heard since his eyes went wide and he pushed Scott in with more force than before. "Damn dude chill!" Scott says when raised up from the bottom. "We didn’t do anything though". Scott swam toward me and smiled. "Well I guess I get that kiss Ms. Thompson", he says. Well I did say whoever gets in first will get a kiss from me and I am a woman that keeps her words so I swam closer to Scott and kissed him on his cheek. "On the cheek?! Really! "

"Sorry but I never said where I was going to kiss you." We heard a splash so that meant that Tanner finally got in but where is he?" Did he get in?" I asked Scott.

"I don’t know, why are you going to kiss him?" I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but I got tugged underwater and I felt water entering my mouth. I felt hands touching my waist, I looked behind me it was Tanner. He put his hand on my cheek pulling me into a kiss and he laid one me faster than I’d suspected. I needed oxygen! How can people in movies kiss underwater? I pushed Tanner away feeling a pinch on my lip and swam up with the rest of my energy. I started coughing instantly. "Are you okay?" Scott asked patting my back.

"Yeah I’m fine," I say looking at him. He touched my lip then backed away from me. "What?" I asked still trying to get my air back.

"You’re lip is bleeding". I touched my bottom lip, I had a little cut from when I pushed myself away from Tanner’s kiss. "Were you two kissing?" I didn’t answer him. "Well? "

"Yes, yes we did and she liked it", Tanner says. Scott looked furious at him." I don’t understand why you’re so mad Mars I mean why do you get to kiss her and I don’t? Lets share".

"Share?! She’s not toy! She’s not something worth sharing! She’s mine!" Scott yells out. I touched his shoulder but he slapped it away. "And you I thought we connected upstairs, I thought we felt something," he tells me. I was shocked he’s attacking me for a no god damn reason. "But get this I’m tired of all this! I’m tired in always trying to get you to trust me or to forgive me in what I did with Abby but you won’t! You don’t want to! Its time to forgive and forget Paisley and now Paisley I’m just sick of this! I’m sick of you not knowing which one of us is best for you! Stop making us think we have a chance with you if we actually really don’t!" Scott swam underwater leaving me in a shocking state and Tanner in a depressing state. I wanted to cry really bad but my body just didn’t allow it.

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