chapter 4: the return of Ricky

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Chapter 4:

I open my eyes and see his chest pressed on my right cheek. I tried to move away but somehow during our sleep our legs curled together. Should I wake him? I stare at his face and examine it inch by inch. ''I’m glad you still like looking at me'', he says then opens his eyes at me. I feel my face get hot and I cover myself with the blanket. ''Oh come on Paisley I was just playing''. He pulls the cover away from me and he touches my cheeks. ''You have no idea how much I love you'', he says. I got out of his bed and made a dash for the bathroom with my phone, I had three missed calls and messages from Sasha. I opened her text it said: emergency! The next one said: hurry I’m at your dorm. The last one said: you’re too late. I tried to call her back but no response. I was starting to worry after everything that has happened to me in the past with all the murdering and people kidnapping me or my family made me just so frightened all the sudden. What if she’s in danger? Why would she go to my dorm so early in the morning when she should be spending her time with her fiancé? I opened the bathroom door and rushed to Scott.

''What’s wrong?'' He asked.

''I need to get to my dorm Scott'', I tell him. He nods his head and passes me a pair of shorts. I glare at him. ''I thought you said you didn’t have any for me to wear at night!'' I yell at him.                                                                     

''Well I luckily found these right now,'' he says laughing. I threw a pillow at him but he catches it o.n time. I put the shorts on and rushed out his dorm and back to mine. I opened up, looked around but nothing looked wrong. I open Maddie’s room to see it perfect like always. I open my room to find it destroyed, my bed was flipped my drawers were on the floor and my mother’s box was on a chair. I rushed to the box opened all the small drawers and my eyes got watery. The picture that I had in there of my mom, dad, and me had red x marks across on them except me. Whoever was in my room last night knows me and is looking for something?

''Damn what the hell happened?'' Scott said surprised and I couldn’t look at him.

''I have no clue'', I say. I feel his hand touch my shoulder. I turned around and hugged him. ''I think he’s back'', I say crying.

''Who is?'' He asked.

''Ricky'', Tanner’s voice comes and we looked at him. Sasha bumped into me while running away with Maddie after supposedly Ricky came and trashed your room, she explained everything to me. ''They’re safe alright,'' he tells us.

''What does he want now? His revenge for not killing me like he was supposed to?''

''Wait a guy tried to kill you?! Why didn’t you tell me before?!'' Scott yelled at me and I walked away from him but getting closer to Tanner.

''There was no reason why she would have to tell you! You weren’t there when it happened, I was for both times!'' Tanner says out and Scott looks at me.

''Look all that matters is that no one was hurt and that now that we know he’s around here then we’ll have to keep a look out for him''.

''Where were you when he attacked? Maddie said it was around 6:00 when she saw him in your room. So where were you?'' I took a deep breath ready to tell him but Scott beat me to it.

''She was at my dorm, we had a very nice sleep over together'', he says and Tanner looks down at what I was wearing.

''Well then I’m glad you’re safe Paisley but next time come to my dorm'', he says leaning in and kissing me on the lips. 

''Take me to them Tanner'', I tell him. He walks out the dorm and we followed behind him. We walked into what I’m guessing is his dorm and I see them sitting on the coach watching the television.

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