chapter 7:Scott's moment

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Chapter 7: Scott's moment

"You want to go swimming after we’re done with our homework?" Tanner asked. I nodded my head. I’m glad he asked I’ve been wanting to go swimming ever since summer but when we all registered to have summer classes to get ahead of others then that ruined my opportunity to enjoy the sun but finally its our turn to enjoy it for a little while.

"Yes! I’m done anyways", I tell him closing my big chemistry book and throwing it on the couch.

"So if I look over this and your aren’t don’t then we aren’t going anywhere". He tells me. He leans over to grab my book but I grab a hold of it first. "I knew you weren’t finished!" He laughs.

"I just needed one more question! Let’s go!" I give him a pout.

"I don’t know school comes before fun", he says. I throw a pillow at him but he catches it like always. "Fine only is Scott is finished". I ran to Scott’s room and saw him working on his homework.

"Please tell me you’re almost done with that," I asked pointing at his work. He shook his head no. "Damn you! I was all excited to go swimming!" I yell at him furious.

"Calm down Paisley you asked me if I was almost done with it and I’m not because I am done. I’ve been done I just want to make sure if there right". I sat down on his bed and smiled at him.

"I’m sorry Scott", I tell him feeling guilty.

"You should be you hurt my feelings", he lies.

"Come on put on your bathing suit we’re going swimming! "

"Alright", he takes a pair out of a drawer and looks at me. "You want to take a peek of me or what?" I felt embarrassed.

"No I’m good I have to change". I walked off into Tanner’s room, I entered without asking. He had his suit on showing me his abs, those good ol’ abs that caught my eyes in high school.

"Are you not going to get dressed?"

"I have my clothes at my dorm remember? "

"Alright then I’ll go with you". Instead of just going with Tanner Scott tagged along just for security as if having Tanner wasn't enough. I opened the door and walked into my room which was still messed up from Ricky’s little visit. I found my red bathing suit from the time I went to the beach with Sasha, Daniel, and Scott. I walked into the bathroom put it on and put my clothes back on. When I walked out the boys where putting my clothes into my suitcases.

"What are you doing?!"

"We are packing your things can’t you see?" Tanner says sarcastically.

"Why are you packing my things?"

"You’re living with me so what’s the point on leaving your things here and coming back over here just to change? Wouldn’t you rather just bring your things to where you’re staying?"

"It’s not like I’m going to stay live with you forever you know, I mean Maddie still lives here".

"No she doesn’t her room is completely empty she left". Scott tells me. She left? Without telling me she would be moving out forever?

"Fine", I say depressed now." I’ll live with the two of you now".

"The two of us? Scott has his own place to live at", Tanner implies.

"No we promised each other that we’d stick together so we will", I tell him. "And if Scott doesn’t live with us then neither will I!" I heard the suitcase getting zipped up and hitting the floor.

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