chapter 15: After Party

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Chapter 15: After party

"He’s not here yet!" Sasha said in a panic tone.

"He’ll be here don’t worry!" I tell her. 

"I knew this was going to happen Paisley, I knew that he’d do this to me". She stared pacing back in forth in her dressing room.

"Sasha calm down being this way isn’t good for your baby". She looked at me with her watery blue eyes and took a deep breath. She sat down on the couch then looked down to the floor. There was a knock on the door making her look up. "Who is it?" I asked.

"He’s here! We need you to come out now," Sasha’s wedding planner said. Sasha stood up, cleaned herself and gave me a smile.

"You ready?" I asked.

"I sure am." We headed to the doors and waited. Amy, Samantha, and I made our way to the alter and stood there patiently. Daniel looked scared, he shouldn’t be. The music started playing and out came Sasha with her arm around her father’s. They walked in a slow pace just like it should be, once they made it she handed me her flowers and stood next to her future husband to be. The priest started to talk about the importance of marriage telling them it’s more than just love but about caring for one another from the good and the bad. Soon after that Sasha and Daniel said there wedding vows making each of them cry and out came the rings. They slowly put them on and when the priest said those six words everyone loves to hear; ‘you may now kiss the bride’ then they attacked one another. We clapped with glee, watching these two together makes me jealous for some reason but I don’t care I’m happy for my best friend. Everyone suddenly got quiet when the churches door opened up wide making a huge ruckus, we watched as Scott entered and walked down the red carpet towards Sasha.

"Scott what are you doing?" Sasha’s father asked. Scott ignored him and walked up to the alter and stood by Josh and Sam.

"Sorry I’m late," he said to them.

"You’re super late dude we already finished the ceremony," Sam tells him. Sasha and Daniel walk down hand to hand down to everyone for hugs and kisses. The bridesmaids followed behind them and so did the grooms best men’s. We all left the church pretty quick for the after party we’re having at the Mar’s residence. Some immediately started dancing, others either cried with joy or talked to one another. Me? What am I doing? I’m at the bar drinking away like a crazy person! I’m not the kind of person that drinks, we all practically know that I would never get drunk or even take a small sip of something that will get me drunk but for some reason when the waiters came around with glasses of wine I took one and gulped it down, it had an awful after taste but it made me want more! I started drinking wine at first but then the bar tender said I should try their famous mango margarita so I chose that and drank that, it tasted amazing! By my second margarita I started feeling woozy, the floor started spiraling in circles around me making me want to throw up but I knew I shouldn’t.

"Alright everyone it’s time for the bride to throw her flowers in the air". I slowly made my way towards the group of single girls that sequel with excitement hoping that they’d be the next one to get married. I stood in the middle of the group knowing that I wouldn’t even catch it but I still raised my arms up to at least attempt it. The guys started counting down; 5…4…3…2…1…0! All the girls started yelling out making my head hurt, I moved to my left not knowing that I made a girl fall making me the one to catch the flowers, it wasn’t my intention to do that to her I was actually trying to get away from all the yelling and I also forgot to pull my hands down, I felt terrible. People clapped for me making the noise get louder, what made it all worse was that the put the music on louder for people to dance. I pushed people out the way for me to take a seat but when I finally found one I slipped on some water from the damn ice sculpture making me fall hard on my butt.

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