Chapter 37: The Surprise

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Chapter 37: The Surprise


"It’s late Paisley", Drake says.

"So", I say still not bearing to see them.

"We’re going to let you go to bed", he says and I didn’t move. He took off the chains off my wrist but I stayed put. "You can head up whenever you like". I listened as his steps made the floorboard of the stairs squeak and once it stopped it meant he left, I looked up and saw the door wide open. My mind got may ideas of to escape but knowing these guys their probably guarding each exit of the house. I stood up and walked up the stairs, at the very top I looked to my left to where the kitchen is and saw Scott looking at me. I looked over at the right to where the backyard door was and saw Troy gleaming his eyes at me. I walked straight to where the living room is and saw Drake giving me an apologetic look but I quickly looked away, I rushed to my room and locked my door feeling my heart beat quickly in my chest. I was right they are protecting all the exits… what should I do! These guys are not to be trusted! I touched my stomach and I felt a tear fall.

"Nothing’s going to happen to you…I swear", I tell my baby. I sat on my bed and looked around the room for a weapon or something but no nothing. I was getting ready to lay down but when there was a knock on my door I got all protective and covered myself. I watched as the doorknob turned and Drake entered showing me the key he had.

"I know you’re not talking to any of us anymore but we made a deal and I never back off of a deal", he says. "So here," he says taking out his phone and handing it to me. I quickly dialed Tanner’s number and I heard rustling over the other line.

"Tanner?" I said breathing hard but he didn’t answer back. I looked up at Drake but he was looking over at the doorway. "Tanner I’m scared," I whispered in the phone.

"Where are Paisley?!" Scott says and my heart started racing. I looked at the number, it was definitely Tanners so why did Scott answer. "Paisley", he says my name again.

"Where’s Tanner?" I finally asked.

"Somewhere…let’s talk," he says and I closed my eyes.


Scott Mars:

I was walking out the kitchen while everyone else were out in the backyard swimming with smiles on their faces until I heard a ringing of a phone coming from upstairs. I hurried up and followed the sound, which turned out to come from Tanner’s room so I looked at the collar ID and saw her name. Without any hesitation I answered.

"Tanner? She says worried. I looked out the doorway to make sure no one was coming and when I saw no one I scurried downstairs and out the front door to talk to her in private.

"Tanner I’m so scared", she says and I felt myself get angry. I knew she was in danger! Why hasn’t he done anything to help her!

"Where are you Paisley?!" I asked her sternly and she got quiet all the sudden. I understand why she would but this is no time to act nice! This is serious! She’s with my child and I would do anything for her!

"Where’s Tanner?" She asked finally.

"Somewhere…let’s talk", I say and I heard her breath in.  "Now tell me where you are?"

"I can’t", she says softly.

"Why not? I can help you."

"No you can’t… if I didn’t tell Tanner then I can’t tell you… it sort of involves you", she says and I felt my heart drop.

"Are you in danger?" I asked hoping she’d say no.

"Maybe", she says I felt myself get sick.

"How can I help? What can I do?"

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