Chapter 28: The Practice

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Chapter 28:


"Where are you going?!" Abby says when I passed her through the door.

"I’m going to the car I forgot my phone", I lied. I started running down the hallway but quickly stopped when I heard Paisley crying.

"She’s never going to forgive me", she cried.

"You didn’t do anything Paisley, you thought what you thought."

"What if I’m right Tanner? What if Taylor isn’t his?" My face started heating up with anger why would she say that?

"It isn’t your problem and if Sasha broke your friendship up just because she wanted to protect Taylor that’s her loss she just lost the best girl she’s ever met". I felt a smile form on my face, as much as I hate the guy he does say the right words to say to my girl. I heard her laugh and when I heard the elevator ding it was my cue to rush back to the room but I had to take my phone out of my pocket to prove to Abby I went to the car. I opened the door and I enter shaking my phone to Abby.

"So", Abby says looking at Sasha with Taylor. "Scott and I wanted to do this face to face to the both of you."

"What’s going on? " Sasha asked.

"Well the reason we called you down was not only to take care of our sweet child but to also invite you to invite you to our wedding!"

"Really?!" Sasha says out happily. Abby nodded her head. "I’m so glad! I thought you weren’t going to invite us since Paisley called me and told me she got her invite."

"Paisley called you?" Abby asked rudely. Sasha nodded her head and her smiled faded away. "Why was she here? Did she touch my baby!?" She asked standing up quickly.

"She came to talk to me about of friendship and yes she touched Taylor I let her hold her for about a minute Abby," Sasha answered her. Abby took Taylor out of Sasha’s arm and walked to the room and put her in her crib. When she came back she looked at Sasha in an evil way as if she’d hurt her.

"I don’t want her to ever touch my baby!" She says out.

"I don’t see what the problem is Abby, she just wanted to talk and she just wanted to carry Taylor, she didn’t hurt her," Scott says.

"But she could have! She’s still in love with you and she knows the baby is the reason you’re marrying me! We don’t know if she’d go to extreme measures to get rid of our baby to get you back". I looked lover at Sasha again and found her looking down at the floor.

"Sasha did something happen that we don’t know?" She looked up at me and she shook her head. "Promise? "

"I promise you Scott." I stood up and eyed Abby.

"What?" She asked me.

"Don’t ever make consumptions like that about Paisley", I say. Abby was about to say something until Sasha beat her to it.

"Scott can we talk alone?" I nodded my head and we headed out of the hotel room.

"What’s up?" I said to her.

"Not here, let’s go downstairs." We headed for the elevator and once we entered she looked at me angrily.


"Why do you keep protecting Paisley if you want her to stay away?"

"Because no one should talk wrongly about her." She crossed her arms around her chest. "I heard what you did", I say looking at her.

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