Chapter 54: It's About Time

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Chapter 54: It's About Time

After dinner Scott and James kept on discussing some ridiculous stories of their past, and I just couldn't help but be entertained with their laughs. I know I have to keep my distance from James just to please Scott, but at the same time, I want to get to know his family too. I let out a yawn and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Sasha.

"Hey", I say tired.

"Get some sleep Paisley, we have a bunch to do tomorrow". I looked at the clock. It was 9:30. How has time flown? I nod my head and head up not saying goodnight to anyone.

I get into bed and closed my eyes, and without a care in the world.



I looked around the room and I couldn't find Paisley. Sasha and Daniel left for a stroll, so it was just James and me in the room.

"So how about it?" He asked me. I look over at him and raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"Did you not listen to anything I just said?" I shake my head and he lets out a sigh. "I was saying that maybe the both of us should go out and have some fun before the wedding."

"Shouldn't we invite Daniel?" James shakes his head.

"I want to spend time to know you better...if that's okay." I smile and nodded my head. "Great!" He claps his hands together and stands up. He grabs my keys from the hanger and throws them to me. "Come on man, times ticking!" I stand up and look upstairs thinking I should go tell Paisley, but I didn't want to wake her up. I shake it off and hurry out the house. We get in the car and drove off.

"So where are we going exactly?"

"To a strip club," he tells me and my eyes widened.

"No," I say parking to the side. "I'm not going to a place like that."

"Come on man! This is the last time you'll ever be able to look at other girls!" He tells me. I agree with that. "Come on live a little before you're tied up for good." I look at my rearview mirror and sigh. I guess he has a point.

"Fine," I say and he shakes me happily. "Give me directions." He sets it on his phone and I followed it until we made it. Men after men came in and out and I was feeling a little bad for being here. We entered without a problem and immediately headed to the bar.

"What can I get you?" A woman asked us.

"Give us two each of your hardest drinks! We want to get wild!" James says hyped up.

"You got it!" She says before turning to make the drinks. Once she was done poring it, I smelled it. James shook his head and just chugged it. I was astonished. He reaches for his second one and just takes it down. I chugged my first down and I felt the burning pain in my throat. I shake my head and groaned out.

"What the hell was this!" I say still feeling the taste. She opened her mouth but James changes the subject.

"Two more and that's all", he tells her. She does another batch as I finished the second one.

"Fuck!" I say out. Whatever is in here, I'm already wasted. I take a seat and bring the new batch to me. I look over at James to see him drink not down already. I drink the first down and I felt my body swing. This was a bad idea! I know better than drink...I know when I'm drunk I say the dumbest things...what if I say something to Paisley?

"One more man! Come on!" I chugged it down and he claps. "Yes! That's my man!" He brings me to some seats and we watch the women dance.

"How many are there?" I asked him.

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