Chapter 1: beginning

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Description=>>>> series of “My High School Life pt.1&2” …..Regular people would be excited to start their college years but when you have two guys that you don’t want to see being in the same college as you then you wouldn’t love it so much as you suspected to. Paisley, Tanner, Scott, and the rest of the squad head to college. Paisley is having some very difficult feelings for one of her ex’s but will she give it another shot or will she just keep in her since she gave him more than two chances before? Will it be Scott the dashing, sweet, loving guy that will win her heart or will it be Tanner the cute, funny, heartbreaker?

                                                       College Life

Chapter 1: beginning

''Do you want to go out and eat Paisley?'' Maddie asked and I nodded my head. I’ve been studying for six hours trying to remember some formulas for the test tomorrow.

''Yea let me get my wallet'', I say and she waits for me by the door. We head out and she drives us to a restaurant that mostly everyone from our campus goes to it’s called “La Bella’’

''Table for two please'', Maddie says and a waiter takes us to our table and hands us some fancy looking menu.

''Thank you'', I say and he nods his head and walks away.

''Oh god he’s here'', Maddie tells me sliding down her seat and I looked at the front door to see Adam James; the soon to become doctor and apparently Maddie’s crush.

''He hasn’t seen you'', I say and I see her face get red. They sit him at the table next to ours and she groans. I watch as the waiter hands him a menu but he stops him and tells him he’s going to have a guest with him.

''Maybe his girlfriend'', Maddie whispers to me and I roll my eyes.

''You always think that Maddie, think positive for once will you''.

''Hey Paisley you eating by yourself?'' Adam asked and I shook my head no.

He smiles and looks away. ''Come on Maddie get up people will start to think I'm talking to myself'', I say and she starts rising back up and turns around and sees Adam.

''Can I take your order ladies?'' The waiter asked and we ordered the best tasting spaghetti the world has ever made.

''Maddie?'' We heard Adam say and her face got red and she turned around.

''Oh hey Adam'', she tries say naturally but failed miserably. ''Are you here by yourself?'' She asked and he shook his head no.

''I’m waiting for a friend of mine he should be here any minute now'', he says checking his watch then giving her an innocent smile. She looks at me and bites her bottom lip and mouths the word ‘he not she’ I nod my head and she turns around and smiles at him.

''Hey why don’t we scoot the tables together?'' He asked. I opened my mouth but clearly Maddie answered for me and said sure. Just five minutes ago she didn’t want him to be here and now she wants to scoot our tables together? Oh well I’ll let her have her little moment. They sat next to one another and I looked around the restaurant trying not to feel weird about being the third wheel now.

''Hey sorry I’m late'', I hear a breathless voice and I turned and looked at him and my eyes went wide.

''Scott?''. I say in my head but it came out by accident. He turned and he gave me a smile.

''Paisley? Wow you look amazing'', he says sitting down and he never looked away from me until the waiter came with Maddie’s and my food.

''Should we wait for you guys?'' I asked but Scott shook he’s head no.

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