chapter 13: Maddie part 2

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Chapter 13: Maddie part 2

The morning I woke up I heard nothing but yelling coming from Maddie." You are not going anywhere! You said you were moving in!" I opened my room door and walked to the living room where I saw Scott leaving. "You! " Maddie said with a tone. "You are the reason he left this early! "

"How is it my fault?! I was sleeping!"

"You think I’m stupid?" Yes. "You think I didn’t notice when he was about to kiss you?!"

"What does this have to do with me?! "

"You were going to let him! He’s mine! We have sex everyday so bug off, I can give him everything he would ever want so just leave him alone!" She walked to her room and slam the door shut.

"What’s going on?" Sasha says rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing," I tell her. I looked at the time it was 7:00, I don’t have school today since the professor canceled the class for an emergency yesterday afternoon. "Come on let’s get dressed and head down to Tanner’s". She nodded her head and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. I knocked on her door ten minutes later telling her that I’d meet her over there. I walked to Tanner’s dorm and knocked softly. He opened it up wide and smiled at me.

"Paisley, "he said softly.

"Hi Tanner I was wondering if I could stay here while you’re in school. "

"You don’t have school?" I shook my head. "Lucky." He opened the door wide for me to enter. I sat down in the living room and looked at him." So why aren’t you at your dorm? I thought you wanted to be a grown woman."

"I am but I can come over to my friends time to time can’t I? "

"You left yesterday Paisley, what’s going on? "

"I can’t handle it anymore!"

"Handle what?"

"Him being with her! She told me twelve minutes ago that they have sex every day, I clearly can’t compete with that!" Tanner sat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"You don’t have to compete Paisley its way noticeable that he is just trying to get you jealous".

"Why would he? We were perfect back at your place but suddenly he changed into a big jerk that sleeps with my roommate. "

"You don’t think that’s ironic? "I looked at him and he looked at me. The door opened up wide and Scott looked at Tanner and me in shock, his eyes moved down to Tanner’s hand on my thigh.

"Scott," Tanner says siting up. "What are you doing here? "

"I…I had to come and get some of my clothes I left here". Scott walks to his old room leaving me with sadness.

"That’s great!" Tanner said happily.

"What is? Him seeing you have your hand on my thigh?" I said quietly.

"Yes didn’t you see how jealous he got? "

"Don’t be silly Tanner," I tell him before walking to Scott’s old room. I entered and saw him lying on the bed with his arms covering his eyes. "Scott?" I say but he didn’t move. "Scott", I said sitting down next to him but he didn’t move again. "Scott!" I shake him and he looks at me with fire in his eyes. I backed away with fear, I never met this side of him.

"Get out!" He yelled out. I shook my head no. He stood up from the bed walking over to me, he grabbed my arm and started pulling me out. I turned to look at him again and now that I see him up close I noticed his eyes were red. Was he crying? Just when he was about to throw me out I used my other arm to give him a quick hug, at first he was surprised but then he hugged me back. He started crying on my shoulder.

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