Chapter 30: Drugged/ Wedding

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Chapter 30: Drugged/ Wedding

"What happened?" Tanner asked holding his head after waking up from his twenty minute sleep.

"You passed out after kissing me", I say shyly.

"We were kissing!" He asked me surprised. I nodded my head. "Damn why can’t I remember something this important! I’ve been wanting to kiss you for such a long time and now that it happened I can’t even recall it happening!" He says getting mad at himself.

It’s okay Tanner, my kisses are even that special", I say. He looked back over at me.

"No Paisley something made me forget… but what?" He says looking around the room. "You fell asleep too right?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Where did you wake up?"

"In the kitchen floor".

"After doing what?" I shrugged.

"I don’t remember."

"What was I doing before we... kissed?"

"I got you some water:, I tell him and he grabbed his bottle.

" Shall we experiment?" He asked me.

"Experiment what?"

"The water Paisley, maybe this is what got us tired! Someone who’s out to get you is trying to erase you memory, that’s probably where you found this", he says taking the picture of me out.

"Who will we experiment on?" I asked him.

"How about Scott?"

"No!" I say standing up.

"Come on Paisley it’s the least you can do after finding out my girlfriend was messsing around with another man'".

"Girlfriend?" I say. He nodded his head.

"It has been more than a week and you said that is all the time you need to forget him and you would start dating me."

"Yeah I know I’m sorry".

"Sorry for what?" He asked in a tone I couldn’t describe.

"I don’t know for not getting over him already… but I keep my promises so…I guess we’re dating".

"Great!" He says standing up with me and gives me a kiss. "Let’s go get him". We walked out my dorm and headed for his. Tanner knocked on his door softly and once he answered his eyes caught mine.

"Hey guys what can I help you with?"

"We needs your help", I say and his eyes lit up.

"Anything for you Paisley", he says getting out his dorm and walking closely to me. Tanner pushed him away and Scott glared at him. "What the hell man!"

"Stay away from my girl!" He says and Scott looked over at me before laughing.

"As if Paisley would date you again!" He says laughing out.

"But I am", I say and he quickly stopped laughing and he made a hurt look.

"Really?" I nodded my head. "Then why would you need me if you have him?"

"Because–" Is all I got to say before getting cut off by Tanner.

"We think we got drugged by someone", he says.

"So what? You want me to get drugged?" He asked angrily.

"Yes, but it isn’t the type of drug that is hurtful…well I don’t think it is", I say. "You just fall asleep for a while and when you wake up you’d forget everything that just happened…including right now." Scott looked upset but still agreed to help us. We walked to my dorm and he sat down on the couch with Tanner while I headed for the water bottle from my refrigerator. I came back to see them having some weird kind of eye contact that seemed intense, so I snapped my fingers getting their attentions toward me. "Alright", I say handing him the water bottle. Just drink it. He opened it up and took a small sip before closing it and handing it to me. I kept my eyes on him and watched him then at the clock to see how long it took, when Tanner and I noticed him falling asleep we were shocked!

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