chapter 18: It's time to believe

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Chapter 18: It's time to believe

"How are you feeling today?" Tanner asked again the next morning.

"Tanner I’m always going to feel fine it’s not like I’m going to pass out or anything, I’ve been fine it’s just been two weeks?."

"It’s possible as a future doctor I should know these things". I rolled my eyes." Well come on we have to get to class, did you eat?" I nodded my head. "Are you sure? I made you a snack just in case that little fellow gets hungry later". He handed me a brown bag and I looked inside finding applesauce, grapes, watermelon, and water. "Is that good enough or should I whip something up for you real quick?"

"No Tanner this is great thank you". He took my hand and he started walking me to class. "Well thanks", I say.

"No problem but remember to wait for me alright". I nodded my head. "Good I’ll see you later then." He started running off to a different direction as I walked inside the building making a quick turn to the next hallway to find Scott smiling at me.

"Always on time", he says with a grin.

"What are you talking about?"

"You always get to class at 7:20 not any later or any earlier".

"Why are you keeping track of me all the sudden?" I asked annoyed. He shrugged and entered the class with a smile on his face. I slowly walked to my assigned seat, the same seat that I’ve always sat in since August. Since the day I told Scott that I was pregnant he distanced himself away from me in class but now all the sudden he’s back to his normal seat right next to me.

"Feels great sitting here", he says laying back on his seat relaxing away since the professor has not yet arrived." Didn’t you miss me?"

"I told you that we have nothing to talk about unless it involved you know what". He sat up straight looking at me with an eerie look. "What?"

"Why do you always bring up that thing?"

"That thing has your DNA".

"I will never believe you".

"Then keep your distance from me." I scooted away from him and started texting away Sasha.

"Students!" The professor shouts out. "I’m in need for two students in this class to come with me to a business tomorrow who is willing to help out with medicine?" I looked over at the girl next to me with a smile on her face but her friend denied to go so she also gave up. Then over at the next row a girl and her twin brother were starting to freak out since they were apparently too shy to volunteer but you can see it in their eyes that they really want to do it. "Come on any one?! You’re in Baylor for Jesus sake you should be proud to be in the school of medicine! I’ll have to pick myself then, and maybe the next person would have the audacity to join us". He started scanning the room then ding, ding, ding his eyes came eye to eye with mine. "Paisley Thompson you will come to the business trip with me and one other student. "

"Yes sir". Trust me I would have volunteered but it’s a business trip I don’t like sitting back in a spot for hour I mean really who does?

"Alright let’s see who else? Kristi–"

"I volunteer!" Scott yelled out. Everyone turned over to his direction and the professor gave out a smile.

"Good someone who has balls!" He says laughing and other joined as well." Alright then we will meet here at tonight at 6:00 some doctors from here will join us as well so we’ll be riding on a bus."

"Yes sir", we say.

"Good now let’s start the lesson who here has read the chapter you were a signed to read?" Many hands suddenly raised up and he started picking away while I was sitting still just thinking… why did he volunteer? I told him to keep his distance but no he had to come along.

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