Chapter 48: The Escape

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Chapter 48: The Escape


As I parked my car and got out, I walked slowly towards the door to stop when I heard Scott say something.

"Are you sure about this? I mean I know that we're doing this for our sister, but is it worth risking our lives?"

"Of course!" I say glaring at him. "She's part of our lives and we will protect our love ones". I began walking again and I knocked on the door three times. I waited patiently until she opened the door and she flashed me a smile.

"How can I help you?" She questioned me.

"I have a private message from your niece", I say and her eyes popped out.

"Paisley?!" She said loudly and I had the urge to cover her mouth with my hand but I had to detain myself. "Where is she? Is she alright? "

"All your questions will be answered when you talk to her", I say taking out my phone and dialing Paisley's number. I waited to hear Paisley's voice but when she didn't answer I panicked. I looked over at Scott who was leaning on my black car.

"Is everything okay?" She says placing her hand on her round stomach.

"Um yeah", I say calling Paisley again. When she yet again didn't answer I put my phone away and took in a deep breath. "Since Paisley isn't answering, I'll just tell you." She nods her head and opened the door wide for me to enter. "I think it's best if I do this quickly."


"Paisley wants you to help her", I say. She opened her mouth to say something but I kept on talking. "She's in danger, and you are the only one that she wants help from".

"Really?!" She say happy. I gave her a smug look. "I mean I'm not happy that she's in danger, but I'm so glad she finally needs me!"

"Yeah, yeah," I say calming her down. "I'll bring her here later tonight, so stay alarm, and if Tanner, a girl named Abby and Tanner's father come back and ask for her or any of us tell them you haven't heard a single peep from us". She nods he head. "Good." I rushed back to the car, Scott got back in and I drove off.

"What did she say?"

"She said she's excited to help".

"Excited?" He questioned me.

"Yeah, it is her first time that Paisley asks anything from her". As I arrived to our house I noticed a white truck parked and our front door wide open. "Shit", I say and I looked over at Scott. He was trembling with fear. "Look at me", I say but he couldn't take his eyes away from the door. "Scott," I say and he looks at me finally. His face drained and his eyes were darker than he's ever had before. I never wanted this life for him, I never wanted this life for any of my brothers, but this is how we survived. "Stay here," he shook his head. "Damn it Scott stay the hell here alright!" He froze again them nodded his head. I got out the car and quickly ran inside. I headed for the living room, but no one was there. I hurried to the kitchen, but again no one was there. Did Troy hide them? Where though?

"What are you we going to do now?" I heard Tanner say.

"We keep searching that's what!" Abby shouted. I heard their footsteps come closer to me so I silently moved to the room next to me. I found Troy tied up in a chair bleeding from his left shoulder.

"Shit", I say rushing to him. He opened his eyes and hissed in pain when I touched him. "When I let you out, I want you to run to my car and drive away with Scott."

"What about you?" He said with watery eyes.

"I can deal with it", I say as I untied the rope. "Where did you hide them?"

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