chapter 17: If only I had that

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Chapter 17:If Only I Had That

"How do you feel?" Tanner asked me the next morning.

"I’m fine, never better."

"Do you want to walk? "


"The park, I know you use to love going there. "

"I’d love to". He took my hand and walked with me out my dorm. "So which park are we going to?"

"The one nearby don’t worry it’s not far but if you want to take the car then I’d be fine with it". I shake my head.

"No, no I want to walk no matter if it’s far or not." Tanner squeezed my hand and gave me a smile. We walked for about ten minutes to get to the park and once we got there my eyes caught Scott; Scott is here.

"Are you okay?" Tanner asked me. I looked up at him and gave him a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I’m fine."

"Do you want to sit down? "

"Yes please". We walked to the nearest bench and sat down looking at each other.

"So what do you want it to be? The baby I mean". I shrugged, to me it doesn’t matter I just want my baby to be healthy.  "Oh come on Paisley what sex do you it to be? A baby girl can be fun to dress up and play princess with or better yet a boy you can play cars with and give him tips on girls". I gave out a laugh why does he care so much?

"I guess a boy. "

"What would you name him?"


"Why? "

"Do you really want to know why?"

"Yeah why wouldn’t I. "

"I would call him that because when I first met Scott he looked more like an Ashton to me." Tanner got quiet and he looked down at the ground kicking some pebbles around.

"I shouldn’t have asked," he says with a laugh. "What about a girl?"

"Scarlett. "

"Because of him?"

"Maybe. "

"Why would you name them after him, well sort of but why would you if he doesn’t even believe it’s his?"

"He will one day and when he does he’ll know that I never gave up believing that it was his. "

"Paisley I know your just a week but can I touch your tummy?" I started laughing and I nodded my head. He placed his hand softly and slowly rubbed it up and down." Hello baby, you’re going to know me when you’re older, I’m going to take good care of you".

"Well, well look at the two couples." Tanner and I looked up and saw Scott with a smile on his face. "It’s good that you finally told him Paisley he was the one that got you knocked up. "

"No Scott he wasn’t!"

"Scott you were the one that did this", Tanner tells him.

"Why were you touching her then? Only a true father would say he would take good care of it when it’s older."

"I’m only saying that because the poor kid isn’t going to meet its father since he’s being such a moron not facing the fact that he knocked up her mommy!" Scott rolled his eyes at Tanner. I stood up from the bench and walked toward Scott looking at him right in his eyes.

"If you don’t want to believe that this baby is yours then I won’t bother you anymore with it alright, but if you one day do you realize that it is call me but for right now Scott we have no reason to talk to one another". I began walking toward Tanner grabbing his hand so that we can get away from this idiot as soon as possible. "I can’t believe him", I say softly.

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