Chapter 51: Before the big day

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Chapter 51: Before the big day

( picture of Paisley's dress)
Two months later:

The music started playing. I wrapped my left arm around Drakes.

"Are you ready? There is no backing out of this one", he says making me laugh.

"I'm ready as ever", I tell him with a smile. The two males on each side of the doors opened up allowing Drake and I to walk down the aisle. As much as I tried to stay focus on my handsome man, I couldn't help but look around to see the people who I care the most about. My best friends Amy, Sasha, Samantha, Josh, Daniel, and Sam. My brothers Drake, Troy, and Scott. My aunt and my uncle. Last of all Tanner.

Before I tell you about my wedding day, let me explain what happened two weeks before the wedding starting with my uncle.
"Now are you sure you want to do this?" Scott questioned me.

"Of course! I want to meet my baby cousin". I knocked on the door and waited patiently. When the doors opened I was hoping it would be my aunt, but at last, it wasn't her but instead my snobby uncle Quinton.

"What do you want?" He questioned me with raised eyebrows.

"I came to see my cousin", I say straight to the point.

"She's asleep... maybe next time", he says starting to shut the door in our faces, but Scott pushes the door back making Quinton glare at him. "Who do you think you are?! This is my property! If you don't leave-"

"No Quinton!" I heard my aunt say. She opened the door wider and smiled at me. "Paisley sweetie, please come inside". I walked in with a smile on my face and entered the living room to find a purple crib. I made my way closer to the crib and my mouth dropped when I saw how small she was. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see my fiancé.

"She's so small", I say with a smile.

"Yeah... I'm excited for our baby", he says before kissing my cheek. I watched as my cousin gave out a yawn before opening her eyes. She formed a smile.

"I really want to pick her up", I say quietly so Quinton wouldn't hear me. Scott was going to say something to my aunt, but I beat him to it. "What's her name?"

"Paige," she says as she made her way toward Scott and I. She looked down at the crib and saw Paige smiling. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked me and I nodded my head quickly. She picked her up and handed her to me. I cradled her as she looked into my eyes. Paige has blue eyes just like her fathers, but a smile just like her mother.

"You are so adorable", I say caressing her soft cheek.

"Okay that's enough", Quinton said coming over to me and taking Paige from my arms.

"Quinton!" My aunt says angrily at him. "Why are you doing this?! "

"Because Natalia! She can't be trusted!"

"And why not?!" She's nothing like her parents!" Quinton got quiet.

"What's so bad about my parents?" I asked them.

"Paisley", Scott says shaking his head at me. "Wouldn't it be better to not know? I think you'd rather remember them as good people".

"I will, I just want to know who they really were", I say. I looked over at my aunt. "Well aren't you going to tell me?"

She sighs. "Your mother was an excellent woman, but you don't know everything". She sat down on the couch and I sat next to her. "She was always around with other guys."

"And? I was always with around my guy friends too".

"Not like that Paisley," Quinton tells me annoyed. "Your mother has lied to you your entire life", he says and my eyes widen.

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