Chapter 29: Bachelorette Party

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Chapter 29:  Bachlorette Party

We were one day away from the wedding and I was nowhere to excited for it to happen. Last night after I woke up by my kitchen floor confused and still exhausted I found a piece of paper of me looking down on my phone and behind it said: stay aware don’t think we didn’t notice you. Better keep safe darling… we know you’re with child. Have I read this before? If I did then I must have forgotten, I placed the paper in my pocket and I headed for the couch and sat down looking around my dorm. I’m in danger again? I say to myself. I felt my phone buzzing and I answered it without looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I say.

"Paisley… it’s Sasha," she says.

"Hi… what can I do for you?"

"Well I was hoping we could get together and make a bachelorette party for Abby since she’s about to get married, I know Daniel is making one for Scott so why not for Abby".

"Sure, come on over we’ll do it in my dorm."

"Alright", she says and hung up. Few minutes later she comes with a huge bag of decorations. "So we must make this like a fairy tale alright".

"Why a fairy tale?" I asked her.

"Because Abby–" she says before she got quiet.

"Wait a minute! This isn’t your idea! Abby is forcing you to do this isn’t she?" I say curiously.

"So what! Are you not going to help then?" She asked angrily. I looked at her then I shook my head. "So you aren’t?"

"I will help but knowing Abby she’s going to hate it anyways no matter how hard we tried", I say softly.

"She’ll get what she gets", Sasha says smiling at me. There is the best friend that I use to enjoy being around. We took all the decorations out and started hanging and placing them around the dorm. It was around 1:00 when we ended up passed out on my couch and that’s what pretty much concludes what happened last night.


"Did you hang it up where it was supposed to go?" Sasha asked me in a hurry.

"Yeah", I say still sleepy since we did wake up at six in order to finish the stupid decorations for Abby’s god damn bachelorette party.

"Good… and… we… are now… finished," she says backing away and looking over at the balloons she tied up together. "What do you think?" She asked me.

"I think this place looks like a wonderland to be honest… which makes it awesome". Sasha walks over to me and hugs me tightly. "Sasha why were you mad at me so much?" I asked out. She separated our hug and turns away. "Please tell me."

"Because I-I can’t handle you anymore", she says shuddering.

"Don’t lie to me".

"It’s true Paisley and it’s not my problem if you don’t want to believe me or not". She grabbed her sweater and her bag and left my dorm. I sighed and closed the door before heading into the shower since the party was at seven. I don’t understand why so early, I guess Abby wanted her two days of freedom to be great while Scott’s will always be horrible. I took a quick shower and got dressed into a normal outfit… as in jeans and a V-neck with converse. By the time the party started girls started coming and bringing their home made goodies that I loved but I kept getting shouted out for eating some! Not all! But some of their goodies before Abby arrived. I looked over at the clock she is fifteen minutes late! She planned this so where in hell is she!

"She’s coming!" Sasha says looking over the window. Everyone hid around but I just stayed in place and sneaked some of those goodies into my mouth. Abby opened the door and everyone yelled out surprise! Are you serious you guys! It’s not her birthday! I thought to myself. Abby came in with a smile but once she looked around the dorm her smile disappeared and her eyes found Sasha.

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