Explore the city here we go

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tomorrow is my 15 the birthday.. XD

" I choose explore..." Gon sweat drops.

"yahooo " Hina jumps up and down.

"Gon!!!" I glared at him.

"It's Not like It's the end of the world right?" Hina gave me a cheeky smile.

"yeah..let's just enjoy our days here.. just tonight right Hina? " Gon was cooling me down.

"yeah.. just tonight.." She made another chicky smile.

"Ceh. Whatever." I put my hands in my pocket. I was totally pissed off..

"is it true or was it Really a dream? Is Guro real or something I made up? I want to believe that that lady was a lie.. a poison that a doctor can't even detect? It's impossible..right? I'll just have to make sure when we are going around this city. if she acts weird,Then It's true.."

*snap fingers* "oiii.. earth to Killua.. "

"What?" I day dreamed. or should I say night dream..

"did You listen or not? I told You my plan around the city.. " she puts her hands by her hip.

"I did.." I lied.

"Then let's go to.... ARCADE "

we went to the arcade nearby. As soon as she steps inside, she vanished from sight. It wasn't my first time so I wasn't acting weird like her.. I was glad that Gon wasn't like her.

I turned to Gon and Gon was also Gone.. I spook too soon I guess.. At first Hina played the ' Zombie Apocalypse Game'. At first I thought she sucked but guess What? she got high score only in the first try. Then I challenged her.

"How about a game?"

"What do You wanna play?"

"How about... the zombie game? "

"your on.."

-game start-

The game started off slow but as soon as the zombie started to attack, the game Really begins. I didn't notice it but I enjoyed playing with her. It was an easy game, I usually don't enjoy games like that but somehow I did.

As we broke the record, people in the arcade started to gather around us. It became hard to focus but after learning Nen I learn to focus on one activity 100%. It was noisy and the both of us were at our last life..

-last round -

Zombies would come at us like from everywhere.. I mean seriously.. it just pop out of No Where.. I was Really focus and suddenly Hina started talking to me.

"How about a bet?"

"a bet?"

"yeah.. What do u want?"

"How about I can ask You to do one thing?"

"agreed? "


I was on the lead of a few points. I was totally sure I'm going to win coz time was about to end.. 5...4...3...2..

it was an easy bet... but at the last second..

"Bulls eye!!!!" she was able to shoot the last Zombie right before I can..

-end.. (50/50) (50/50)

It's a tie..

"so? a tie?" I was disappointed.

"Then..we can ask each other to do one thing.. don't waste it.." she winked and pulled out her tongue.

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