Airship and play ball

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(Damn my teacher checked my writing and she thought I was amazing. then she asked me if I did a novel.. and my friend butts in and told her everything.. shot.. but she doesnt know the title.. I'M still good to go.. haha)

Killua's p/v

we all got into  the airship and was headed to no where.. After gathering a bean? gave us a speech? I Don't know.. I wasn't even listing due to the boredness..

I only looked at Gon who was half listening but smoke came out of his ears .. I yawn and yawn.. not long after it ended and we were set free for about 20 hours.. We put our bags and went adventuring..  well me and Gon only.. Kurapika and Leorio was too tired and slept right away..

"we are going Kurapika " Gon said before leaving..

"aren't you two tired?" Kurapika asked with his little energy left..

"I wanna adventure the ship first" I said and walked out the doors and Gon followed me..

At first we went to the other room until we got kicked out.. Then to the best place on this ship, the kitchen.. it only took the chief 5 minutes to find us and we got caught.. 


"hehe...  just walking out" I said nervously....

The man growled at the both of us and threw us  out. literally,  threw us out... as I opened my eyes, I saw from the end of the other lane , the browned haired guy..

Gon didn't saw him and I wanted it to be like that.. I pulled Gon to a secret room that says 'DONT ENTRY '

"are you sure that we should do this?" Gon asked.

"we are on an adventure" I said and bumped into a man.. from the looks of it, he was incharge..  we turned back and ran..

"That was fun.." I said.

"we got into trouble.." Gon said sadly..

"Don't worry.. a little price to pay for a good time.. Hey look, a chair.. Let's rest a bit." I replied and both of us looked at the view from up the sky..

"sugoi...  it's pretty" Gon said and his eyes sparkled just like the star..

"yeah.. but it get boring.. I see it everyday..."

"Where are they and What do your parents do?" Gon looked at me with curious eyes that I can't say no to..

"Alive.. I think.. and they are assassins.." I said with an emotionless voice.. I aspect that Gon will run or laugh.. but..

"both of them?" he said and I was the one who laughed.. "you are telling the truth right?"

"yeah.. but for you to trust me.. it's just Funny.."

"it must be fun, seeing them"

"not really.. I ran away from home after scratching mom and Milluki's face.. I will become a hunter and capture all of them" I said while daydreaming.." I hate being at home"


"who wants their future being plan for them? I Don't want to" as I told Gon my tales Suddenly something moved behind us from the right. I looked left and saw Netero.. 

"What do you want old man.. and you move fast for an old guy.."

"is it wrong for an old man to be having fun?" Netero answered..

" you had your fun.. now leave" I glared..

"scary.. how about a game? you win, you become hunters" I looked at Gon and end up playing his game.. his game was simple, get the ball within 20 hours.. we are going to be hunters for sure...

The first five minutes, Netero and me fought but I wasn't even close.. then Gon..  then back to me.. then Gon and me.. I had enough and used an assassin move.. it's called rhythm shadow..  I think...  I really need to rewatch hxh.. :c

but I end up sitting on my butt.. I was no match but then Gon gave his hand and we worked together.. at first I thought there were 50% possibly of us getting it.. but after trying and again and again. I finally found out.. he was just toying with us..

as I was just about to announced my observations,  he opened the doors.. That guy with brown hair..

"oh? Hikari..  what's wrong?" Netero asked.

" I just came to ask, how long you were going to stay in here but I see that you have company.."

"no.. I quit.. " I finally said..

"why? " Gon was sad and I told him..

"that old man is toying with us.. he Isn't even using his both hands and leg.. he was just holding back.."

"you saw it?" Netero was shocked..

"I guess I have nothing to do here.." Hikari said and left..

"Let's go Gon" I said..

"neh,  I'M staying.. I'M going to continue.."

"impossible..  you can't win" I started  argument..

" I Don't want to win. I just want him to use both hands and leg.." then I left.. I went out and saw Hikari looking out of the window..

I walked pass him and he noticed me and followed me..

"will you stop following me" I said annoyed..

"I'M just going to the Same place as you" he said while looking aside..

"Tch....." then two men hit my shoulders.. I just walked away.. I wasn't in the mood to say Sorry... then a man grabbed my shoulder and I killed them.. I smiled and remembered Hikari was behind me..

I was a bit surprise that he just continue walking, avoiding any blood and just pass me with a smirk. that annoying smirk.. "What!?" I shouted..

"nothing.. just that, you should do your killing more cleaner.. "

for the first time I was speechless when someone talked about how to kill. I was surprised.. I wasn't sure if he was an assassin or not.. he looked like the Same age as us..

"HOW OLD ARE YOU?" I asked.

"12" he answered.. before I was able to ask for his name, he already said it "Kuro Hikari..  call me HIkari " he said while  sucking a lolipop..

"here" he threw me a lollipop that was rabbit shaped.. and he walked away.. I Don't know if I'M pissed or just weird out.. What I know that he wasn't normal.. non of us are...

I didn't follow him.. I went back to my room and slept.. my Mind was at east and it wasn't.. something was disturbing me.. but What.. I Don't know.. maybe.. the thought of Gon being my friends ..

I slap myself knowing it was impossible.. I slept and the next day we arrived..

No one's p/v

As Hikari and Killua met.. Killua went to his room and slept..

meanwhile Hikari was outside on the balloon and was fliping a coin.. and was asking himself a question..

"who was that guy? he seems like we met before.. maybe it's just me.. I Don't have any friends..."

Hikari told himself and just close his eyes and sleep...

(I should sleep early... 2:03 am... and is it a great cover? too corny...  guys have a pic?)

me: you guys must be weird out... why did I update on Sunday? well guess What.. my mom is taking my phone.. so.. I'll be able to post on Sundays only.. buhu...

Killua Zoldyck Fanfiction (The reason I left home)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن