Lady Kikiyo and Kalluto

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Killua p/v

Tskkk. What was that abt? Why was she with Piggy. I was the one who found her. I was the one who saved her. Damn it. Damn it


“Kill, what do you think about the new maid?” Kikiyo said.

“Oh? *suprised* About Akahina? What about her? Its not busniessess.”

“Killu, answer me.”

“Ummmm.... She is weak, useless and too soft. She is also annoying and noisy.”

“Is that so? Than thank you.”

Kikiyo left with Kalluto grabbing her kimono. (it is at the past.)

Geez, whats her problem? She is over protective with me. She never does that to Illumi, Milluki or  the others. JUST ME. Grrrrr” Killua grould to himself.

“I better head to my fav cherry tree.” Killua said.


Akahina's p/v

Oh gosh!! Im late (OoO). I better go now and see Lady Kikiyo. I ran towards Lady Kikiyo's room.

I was 5 minutes late and I was swating like a dog. I could not breath propely and my leg were shaking because of 2 reasons :-

1) I was still shocked with the stupid outfit Master Milluki asked me to wear and do stupid tricks for him.

2) I was later to see Lady Kikiyo.

Most maids are scared of her. Rumours were that she is over protective with Master Killua. And the last person who made a flurty eye contact at Master Killua end up dead. She is also serious with her maid, that is me. If I did one wrong move, its death than.

I went in her room and Lady Kikiyo was stomping her foot and fanning herself eventhough the air conditionor was on.

“Excuse me?”

“Ah! There you are. Come in. And hurry!!”

“Yes, ma'am”

“Put this on.”

Lady Kikiyo gave me a red dress to my kness. It had a black bow on my head and neck. The shoes were black with red roses. The dress had gloves. It was till my elbow and it was black with red decorations. I wore a small red and black hat. Lady Kikiyo also asked me to hold an umbrella.

“How is it?” Lady Kikiyo asked.

“Kawaii, sweet and a bit dark, soft and creative. I love it.” I said. Me wearing this made me happy naru and I can also feel as if Lady Kikiyo is enjoying herself.

“And it suits your red eyes.” Lady Kikiyo looked speevhless with how I dress. Its like she didnt expceted it will fit me this well.

“T-thank you?” “ Now I know why I know what she was feeling -___-” I said to myself.

“Im so glad your a girl. I tried dressing up Kalluto but father (Silva) was mad. He said ' Kalluto is a boy and a Zoldyck.'”

“Well thank you.”

“Owwhhh, your eyes turned back to blue. What a shame. Oh well....”

I wore every dress without any trouble.  Master Kalluto who was sucking on his fingers we having fun as well. I enjoyed my day very much.....

But sadly, Lady Kikiyo made me do the house choores starting tomorrow. It didnt sound good for me coz there were a lot of stuffs to do. I mean seriously, a lot. From A to Z is my jobs. QwQ I fell like crying and Lady Kikiyo looks really happy.

“Ah, there are those pair of red eyes.” Lady Kikiyo said.

“ Greeeeeaaaaaattt......” I sighed.

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