The Unborn Daughter / Monster

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The Unborn Daughter / Monster

by Momoka

Once upon a time lived a little family who was a pair of King and Queen. In that country, only two children are allowed. The first born was a boy with white hair, a sign of honour. The second was a girl, born with green hair, a sign of courage. The family was happy until they gave birth to the third. She was gifted with black hair, it has no meaning.

Because of that the family was shameful. They still became the leaders but with an unborn daughter under them. They didn't want the rumor to spread so the king and queen locked her underground.

She was tied up by chains. She was treat as an unborn. She hated the world. She just wanted to die but it was a bit too impossible. The king and queen never visit her but her brother always did. He played with her.

She was happy around her big brother. The little unborn then ran away from the cell one night. She ran and ran but stopped. Looking back thinking about her precious big brother she turned back. She walked in without no one noticing but her big brother did.

He hugged her tight when she returned. She never felt this love before and she was grateful. She hugged him back and promised to listen to him. Even so she was lonely.

One day, she went out again and meet a girl her age with orange hair. They became friends and her friend always come to her cell in the castle to play with her. The unborn now knows what is a friend.

Weeks later, her friend told the unborn that she had special powers because she was the third born. The unborn was shocked and happy. She was special. She was also puzzled, if she was special then why keep her in a cell.

She was a bit mad but she didn't mind it. Time to time big brother always comes to see her. Then as for her birthday, he gave her a lion. A small cub. She took care of it.

"It's a special cub. if you treasure it then it will never hurt you" he says and she hugged it.

She gave it half of her food every time. She loved it very much. The orenged haired then introduced her friends to the unborn. A girl and a boy. Both so adorable together. They were very close friends.


the king and queen got news that their proudest son was visiting the monster. They tied him up in front of the unborn and......

stabbed him.

The unborn screamed but no one took any notice. Her anger changed into something dark. It was like a black aura. The unborn burned down the castle and ran away from home.

As she ran she had no where to go. Then she saw something weird, like a door. No a portal. She entered. She woke up beside a kid with bright red eyes.

"hi" she said. the unborn kept quiet.

"let's be friends" she said and the unborn took her hand.

The girl told the unborn about the new world that she just entered. the unborn had amazing time just listening to it. The unborn wanted to know more and more.

The little girl wanted to tell her more but she was out of ideas. The unborn then offered her to travel together and she followed her.

The unborn took the little girl into a dark forest without knowing where she was going. The unborn and the little girl was lost in the forest. They wondered here and there yet there saw no sign of a way out. The unborn felt bad then noticed a grumbling sound from the girl.

"owh? it's just that I'm hungry." She said and smiled.

The unborn didn't know what was hunger and just asked her to rest. Time to time she got worse. The girl was very skinny. The unborn was worried but the girl kept smiling. The unborn left her to search for something yet when she got back, a snake attacked the girl.

The girl cried and the unborn notice the cry like hers when her brother died. Now she knows that the girl will die. She sat next her and whipped quietly. Then she remembered what the orange haired told her about her ability.

The unborn then pushed her hand into the little girl's chest and asked her  questions and the little girl just agreed. The unborn's hand slowly went into her body then her other hand until she finally entered the little girl. now they are as one.

The unborn asked the little girl what was her question and her answers.

"First you asked, if I wanted to stay alive and I answers yes. Then you asked if you will sacrifice everything and I said yes. Thirdly you asked even if it's  my memories and I said yes. Lastly you asked if it will change me and I agreed." then the girl closed her eyes. the girl fell in a deep sleep for a long time.

Her hair turned pink. Her eyes turned redder. Yet her current body didn't even change even the size.

She woke up years later. She turned confused.

"your given name is *mumbles*"  by someone inside of her.

Then she traveled the world with another girls inside her.

They went to a village nearby and they treat her like a monster. She was angry and because of anger she killed and burned the whole village. She didn't know it was wrong and continued as if it was normal..By time she learns killing is bad and avoided it.

Then she met a group but made the same mistake and killed a lot of people again. A clan to be correct.

She cried and the unborn told her don't cry. She followed her instructions and the unborn told her to enter a portal and she did. Then as if she turned back time but only at different a  place.

That time she notice the unborn had tails. She asked her why she had it. The unborn said it was a timer for them to see who will survive and take the thrown as we are one..

Then she was walking on a quiet and was kidnap but could not kill the man. Awhile after a boy saved her but left her.

the unborn asked her to follow him and she did. The unborn asked her another question before going quite.

"what is your name?"

"my name is...."

-The end-

Killua wanted to finish it but the last part was eaten by termites..

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