Zoldyck Household

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(where are You guys from?)

Gon's p/v

As the plane arrived, we ran out and took a tour bus. It was going all around until we stopped at Kukuru Mountain..  It stopped right in front of the gate.. it's amazing how the gates were huge..

"in those amazing and huge gates is where the amazing Zoldyck lives" the guide said.

"Killua lives here?" we were amazed.

"GET OUT OF OUR Way!!!" Two 'strong ' looking men went inside the gate keeper's room and threats him to give the key. the gate keeper gave them in fear..

"smart..." the men opened the doors and walked in.. Suddenly there were screaming coming from inside of the gate. everyone panicked and hurried into the bus except for the three of us.

"aren't you coming?" the guide asked.

"no.. I wanna stay here" I said.. "suit yourself " she said and the bus left us. I ran towards the gate keeper and I'M glad his alright.

"who are you?" he asked.

"I'M Gon.. this is Kurapika.. this is Leorio.. we are Killua's friend.. we came here to see him"

"really? but I'M Sorry.. you cant.  his inside.. but I can try to call the house hold.." the gate keeper called the house hold and "I'M Sorry but your not allowed to"

I got mad and threw my fish pole up the gate. I was ready to climb the wall but the gate keeper changed his Mind. the truth was the small door was just a trap.. the big big gate was the door.. each door was 7 tons.. the bigger the door, it will times by two.. the second,  gate was 14 tons.. and the list continues.. (I'M probably wrong XD )

He pushed the doors and we went in. we were allowed to train inside so that we will be able yo open it without his help. we wore a shirt that was 5 tons. the house was not less then 5 tons. the door, the glass and even the food was more than 10 tons. I was so ready to do this but Kurapika and Leorio stopped me.

"Gon, you have a broken arm"

"yeah.. and the doctor said it will heal at least next month."

while they were doing  training I pouted and when I secretly do stuff they will get mad. I got caught everytime.. then I realised there was only one time when they won't notice me. after midnight..

every night I will run out and train. I will do push ups with one hand because well I have a broken arm.. after a few days we tested our skills.. Kurapika and Leorio worked together but it only opened half.. I mean one door but half..

"we only made it 5 tons?" I sigh.

"it's 3.5 tons Gon.." Kurapika corrected me..

"hehe " I giggled..

"Let's try again" Leorio asked and Kurapika helped him. it opened a bit bigger and I jumped in and helped.

"Gon!!" both of them were worried about me.

"Don't worry..." I took the thingy off ( xD ) and pushed the doors. it opened completely.

I jumped up and down. Kurapika and Leorio just smirk. then a dog came and sniff us. his name was Mike.. I looked into his eyes.. they were dark and scary.. I was about to faint until Kurapika snapped me out of it. Then we went in... the next obstacle was Canary.

she was emotionless and keeps on hitting me when I crossed the line. Kurapika and Leorio wanted to help, but I stopped them

"it's my time to do something.. "I said and kept on going.

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