Ging Frecess

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Akahina's p/v

So I 'borrowed' a small ship and drove it to the island. the reason why I BORROWED it because everyone was too afraid of the island.. so I went there by myself.

I went there and as I got closer (in the boat ) the boat little by little got destroyed.  There was an aura around the island. black aura..

as the boat was completely destroyed, I was Fine when I reached the island.

"Oh gosh... how do I return this.." I was puzzled..

"Oiiiiii... is anyone on this island? *silents *.. no one is here? "

Suddenly I heard loud footstep and I looked behind.. there was a big monster around 20 feet tall chasing me.. (is 20 feet tall? idk.. )

I ran and ran. I manage to get away but there were more. and more.. after an hour being chase around, there was a tail. the Same tail when I was at Gon's house. I felt lifeless.. that moment... I saw a tiger like animal near  me..

I didn't felt like running. I stood there.. like a doll being controlled by someone. but that someone Isn't there to move me..

"I'm going to die?" I asked myself..

"no...." x answered...

"who are you?"

"*giggle *..."

the tiger ran towards me...I wasn't going to run.. I wasn't able to controlled myself..

Suddenly someone pulled me up a tree. I blinked a few times Suddenly I returned normal.

"t-thank you..."

"you shouldn't be thanking me yet. that was a hop tiger.."

"hop tiger? who in the world names a tiger a hop tiger?"

"shut up.. I did.."

"opssss.... so what's with this tiger?"

"just like the name it hops on tress.."

I looked down and it was already half of the tree.. I clenched that guys's arms.

His eyes were round and chocolate isk... his hair was messy as hell..  then he looks homeless.. with the untidy shirt and everything.. he looks 30???

"we need to go" he carried me.. he jumped from branch to branch as fast as the wind. Suddenly we were out of the trees .so we ran on land, he was still carrying me on foot while running from a pack of hop tigers.

his face was calm and he doesn't even look tired evenwhen carrying me. a while after he stopped. we were out of land to ran on. he put me down and whistle.

I looked behind and the tigers were closer.. I panicked. I really do get scared and panicked really quickly...

he held my hand and wanted to jump. I pulled him.

"are you crazy!?" I said.

"wanna live or not?"

"yeah but are you su-"

"truest me.." he held out his hands and his eyes tells me that he was sure of What he is going to do. I reached out and before I knew it he already pulled me down the cliff..


and Suddenly I fell on his hands. it was shocking because it was suppose to be a long fall.. I opened one eye and I was in his hands. I was put down and realised I was on a dragon?

"sugoi.. "

"I know right..."

"who are you anyways..."

"I should be asking you that... I wasn't the one who came close to the hop tiger's territory.. "

"I'm Akahina.. "

"oh? I'm Ging..  Ging Frecess.. "

"Frecess?  do you know Gon?"

"yeah... why?"

"his my friend" I said excitedly..

"is it normal for your eyes to turn red?" he looked bored.

"why do people ask?"

"kurata clan?"

"nope...  but do the kurata clan even exist? I heard that is made up."

" it does.. I know where their clan lives."

"really? I want to know.."

"well... you need to answer my questions first.... why are you here and how?"

"I'm here cos someone told me it was a dangerous place. how? I took a boat?"

"where is the boat?"

"hehehe...  gone.."

"Do you see this?" he pointed on the air.. but there was nothing there..


"you Don't know nen?  still your alive.. amazing.. "

"people keep on talking about nen..  can you teach me?"

"sure..  Hey Wait... no..."


" shut up.."

"about the kurata clan?"

"oh...  they live at a forest called Light Forest..  it is a big forest. but in the middle is where they live.. (idk if it's true.. probably not coz I just made that up... lol...)"

"Wait... I can't learn nen...  I need to get back.."

"Don't worry.. if you spent time here for a week it is only an hour in the real world.."

After reaching a place we got off the dragon. I pat it and it licked me. I giggled and Ging Suddenly held my head.

"animals like you.."

"I know. I'm loveable"

"yeah right... you know, if people is loved by animal means your a great hunter."

"your a hunter?"

"triple star.."

-silent. -

"why did you leave Gon?"

"just coz... "he didn't even looked Sorry.

"when do we start the training?"

"later... "

- Sorry if I skip part about the training... I have no idea What to write... lol...-

to be continue...

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