The next day

567 16 10

No one's p/v

Killua woke up. He stretched his arms up high and rubs his eyes to clear up the blur vision. Then he saw Akahina on his bed still sleeping. He smiled and wanted to leave the sofa but when he turned he saw Gon staring at him with dogy eyes.

"G-Gon? What are You doing here?" Killua asked in a nervous tone.

"Well the thing is that yesterday when You guys when down to buy You chocolates I fell asleep." Gon answered cheerfully.

"that doesn't answer my question" He pinched Gon's cheecks.

"Ettai.. Ettai Killua.. I'll tell, I'll tell" As Killua released his fingers Gon rubs his red cheecks.  "So around 4 am ago, I went to your room because Hina's was empty."

"so You went into a girl's room with out her knowing at 4 in the morning?" The former assassin asked the honest boy.

"yeah. Was that wrong?"

"Totally.. You can't just enter a girl's room in the night." Killua  hit his forehead.

"Ouch" Gon held his forhead "why not? I do every time I get a nightmare back home. Mito-san didn't mind."

"that's different. Huh.. whatever so What did You do when You enter?"

"I sat next to You. You were smirking and laughing in your sleep. You were also talking in You sleep.."

The former assassin blushed and asked "What did I say?" he sounded natural but in reality he was shaking.

"I can't remember but You were saying a lot of my name and also Hina's name. Mostly hers."

Killua pulled Gon's cheeck and said "forget about it! forget about it!! or else.. or else I'll make You forget"

His face was as red as a tomato. Both of them were making a lot of noise. Then Akahina woke up. Even though she just woke up, her hair  was straight.but her eyes were still closed..

"what's all the noises?  can't You see I'm trying to sleep?" even though she already sat but her eyes are still shut.

Killua stopped What he was doing and covered Gon's mouth. "Shhhhhh... I think she is still sleeping.."

When Akahina went back to sleep, the both of them started to make a lot more noises and she woke up again. She took an alarm clock near by and threw it towards the noise. Without her knowing it has hit Killua. Right after that Akahina was totally awake.

"Areh?  why am I in Killua's room? "

"Ohayou Hina " Gon said while being pin down by Killua.

"is this the right, time for me to be awake?" she said awkwardly seeing Gon and Killua's situation.

"sure why not?" Gon answered casually not knowing What she meant. "also, is it weird for a boy  to say a girl's name in his sleep?" Gon said out of the blue.

"a bit. why?" Akahina answered.

"thats because Kill..... -mute- " Killua shut Gon's mouth and laughed awkwardly.

Akahina did too and left the room awkwardly.

"promise me You won't tell Hina " Killua said.


"just promise or else I'll break your right hand just like Hanzo did" because of that Gon agrees.

-final  Fight to reach level 200-

As usual they were able to finish them off easily.

All three of them were heading to the 200th level. Then Akahina got a call.

"guys I need to  take this. go on with out me"

Killua and Gon agreed and when to the next level without her. near by the register counter there was Hisoka. He sat there with a smirk that will scar You for days to come.

"congratz for making this far~~~ now if You want to register You must first pass a test"

suddenly a murderous aura was released.

"This aura... this is...." An image of Illumi came into mind.

They tried walking and suddenly stopped by the guy with glasses. He was the one who shouted 'Zushi ' while Killua was fighting Zushi.

After a while, Gon and Killua just learned Nen because of that they were able to pass Hisoka's dirty test.

"I wonder if Hina is okay..maybe Hisoka tested her as well.." Gon was worried.

"I'll call her" Killua called her cell.


"Where are You? have You reached level 200th?" Killua asked.

"yeah.. I guess. Guys, sorry but the thing is that.. for the time being, I won't be around. I'll be there to fight but I have some things to do.."

"something to do?"Killua thought.

"is that something to do with... I don't know.. Nen? "

"maybe she doesn't know we already know Nen.. If so, why isn't she telling us if she knows? is she doing Nen practice or What?" Killua asked himself.

"Nen?  No..that has nothing to do with it.. A bit.. okay maybe a bit but It's not about Nen.. " She answered.

"How about if we meet up from time to time? when I'm free of course.." She said.

"sure....*hungs up*"

"so?" Gon asked.

"she already register and she knows Nen.. we don't have to we sorry I guess.."

"okay.. now let's train with Wing -san.." Gon ran off without Killua .

"but the questions remains.. What is she hiding? Does she not trust us?"

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