Chapter 32

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"I know you were just talking, but why are you holding my sister's hand if you broke up with her?" Louis asked.

"The only reason I broke up with her is because the other day management called me and said that they didn't want me dating Avery anymore and that I had to break up with her or I couldn't be in the band anymore. I love being in the band so I chose the band but I figured we could just date until I figure this out but we don't show it in public." Niall said.

"Well as long as you don't hurt my sister again I don't care. And figure the whole management thing out soon." Louis said. Louis walked to the back of the bus and called Eleanor.

"I can't get to you right now I might be busy with my amaze boyfriend so just leave your name and I'll call you back as soon as possible." Eleanor's voicemail said. Louis sighed and hung up after leaving a message saying he wanted her to call him back as soon as possible.

"Why do you want to still date me?" Avery asked looking at Niall.

"Because I love you. I dont ever want to let you go. I love you Aves." Niall said to Avery. Avery was a little scared that he only wanted to date her out of pitty and she didn't appreciate it.

"I love you too but are you just dating me out of pitty?" Avery asked. Niall was furious that she would even think that but he also had alot of other emotions running through him. He wasn't mad at her he was mad at himself for letting her even think such a thing.

"I can not believe you would ever think such a thing. I love you and I would NEVER date you out of pitty. I am so angry that you would ever think that but I guess I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself for letting you think that. How about I take you on a super nice date tomorrow night? I'll rent a hotel room just for us and have the others watch Cya while we have a date night." Niall rambled.

"Niall you dont have to do that. I want you to be happy dont worry about me. I love you too by the way." Avery said.

"What are you trying to say?" Niall asked.

"I'm saying I cant be with you. I'm going home and I'll see you when you come home with Louis." Avery said she was crying by now.

"Aves you cant do this to me! I need you here. You keep me sane." Niall sobbed he knew how she felt when he broke up with her.

"I have to. I'm going to make you lose your job I dont want that to happen. I'll be here until after your concert. Once the concert is over I'm going home with my mum and dad." Avery explained.

"Why cant you stay here? I'm trying to make this up to you and your just leaving me. That's exactly what your good at isn't it? When something you dont like happens you just run? Well I'm sorry I'm not good enough!" Niall yelled.

"That's not even true. I want to stay but I cant when you have so much to do. I'll see you when you get done with tour." Avery said.

"Yeah. Good luck with that I'll be taking care of my daughter and trying to find a new girlfriend." Niall said. He was just iritated by how selfish she was being.

"If you think I'm being a selfish person I would really like for you to enlighten me on how, because I'm pretty sure I'm not." Avery said.

"You know what you are being selfish because you arent even thinking about my feelings. I love you. I try to make it up to you by going on a nice date but that's not good enough for you!" Niall yelled.

"Seriously? You didn't even think about my feelings when you broke up with me. I got back together with you but when you explained why you broke up with me to my brother I didn't want to date you anymore! Maybe I should go home now because I can't deal with you." Avery retorted.

"FINE BY ME!" Niall yelled.

"SEE YOU LATER JERK!" Avery yelled back.

"I'm pretty sure I dont care. I'll go find a new girlfriend who is way prettier than you and she can help me take care of Cya because I surely dont want you to help!" Niall exclaimed.

"Whatever!" Avery said annoyed. Avery went over to her bunk and packed up all of her things. Then she went to say goodbye to everyone but Cya and Niall. She heard a door slam and knew that it was Niall. When he said he could find someone who was prettier than her she felt a sting in her chest because he basically called her ugly. Avery thought he truly loved her.

"I'm leaving Lou." Avery said going into the back room.

"I know I heard you and Niall yelling everyone did." Louis said.

"Are you sure you cant just stay here?" Louis asked.

"Where would I stay?" Avery asked.

"You could stay with the 5Sos boys." Louis suggested.

"Fine.You're lucky I love you." Avery said. Avery grabbed her bags and carried them over to the other bus.

"Hey Luke, can I stay on your bus for a couple months?" Avery asked.

"I dont see why not." Luke said.
"I love you so much Luke you are an amazing best friend." Avery said.

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