Chapter 16

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~Niall's point of view~

Avery and I are currently driving to another one of my genious dates.

"So will you tell me where we are going?" Avery asked.

"No." I said smirking at her. I wasn't paying attention and I went when it was a red light. So a semi crashed into my car on Avery's side and another car came at my side I don't know what happened next becasue I blacked out.

~Louis's point of view~

I was sitting in the hotel room with Harry when I got a phone call from Niall.

"Hello Niall hows the date going?" I asked.

"Um, this isn't Niall. He was in a car crash with annother girl I need you to come to the nearest hospital as quick as possible." The voice said.

"Is he okay?" I asked paniced.

"We won't know until they get there. The girl got the worst damage and he may have a broken bone and a few cuts and bruises." The voice said. I automatically knew that that girl was my sister. "Okay. Bye." I said. I hung up and started crying.

"Harry get the others quick." I said.

"What's wrong Lou?" Harry asked.

"I will explain when we get in the car. Now go please." I sobbed.

"Okay." Harry said rushing out of the room. A few minutes later the others came in the room and I got up to get my shoes and room key. When we got in the taxi van I was bombarded with quesions.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"The nearest hospital." I said.

"Why are we going to the hospital?" Harry and Liam asked.

"Avery and Niall got in a car accident and Niall's has possibly a broken bone and a couple of cuts and bruises. Avery however i-i-s the w-worst. T-They w-w-won't tell m-me." I sobbed.

"It's going to be okay Lou." Ashton said.

"Here we are." The driver said.

"How much is the ride?" Harry asked.

"It's free you have other troubles just go see those people. Good luck guys." The driver said.

"Thank you." We all said. We rushed into the hospital and ran over to the lady at the front desk.

"I am here to see the two people that recently got brought in from the crash." I rushed.

"What are their names sweetie?" The lady asked.

"Uh the boy is Niall James Horan and the girl is Avery Clairol Tomlinson she's my sister." I rushed again.

"You can see them in room 56 top floor. Avery is in bad condition and he should be waking up soon, sugar." The lady said. I nodded my head okay and ran over to the elevator. I pushed the last floor button repeatedly until one of the boys stopped me.

"Lou you're gonna break it." Harry said.

"I don't care. I need to see them." I said. "C'mon c'mon c'mon. Hurry." I yelled. I started crying again. I heard the ding of the elevator and ran to go find room 56. I found it and ran in. Niall was awake and groaning.

"What happened?" Niall asked rubbing his head.

"You got in a car accident. You have a broken arm and some scrapes here and there." I explained.

"What about Avery is she okay?" Niall asked.

"She's right there see for yourself." The doctor said. I looked over and seen Avery was all pale and they fixed her cast up and put another one on her leg.

"Is she going to wake up soon?" I asked.

"She seems to be in a coma. It's a small one so she should wake up in a few days." The doctor explained.

"A c-c-coma?" I asked.

"I am afraid so. She has a broken leg and she seems to of had a broken arm already so we fixed the cast up it had a lot of blood on it so we changed it." The doctor explained.

"O-Okay." I said. I pulled up a chair next to Avery's bed and grabbed her free hand. I layed my head on her bed and fell asleep.

~Two day's later~

"Ave I don't know if you can hear me right now but I am so sorry that you had to be in that car crash. I love you so much. If you can hear me squeeze my hand." I whispered. I felt a small squeeze on my hand.

"Guy's she just squeezed my hand!" I exclaimed.

"Avery if you can hear me please squeeze my hand." The doctor said. The doctor smiled after a couple of seconds.

"Alright Avery I need you to try as heard as you can to open your eyes." The doctor said. By now all eyes where on her including Nialls. We waited a few minutes and then Avery opened her eyes.

"W-Who are these people Louis?" Avery asked. I was relieved and devestated all at the same time.

"You don't remember us?" Niall asked.

"I'm so sorry but no. Am I supposed to?" Avery asked.

"It seems she has small memory loss it should come back in a couple days at the most in a few minutes at the least. If it doesn't come back within that time period it is permanent." The doctor said.

"I do want to ask you a few questions though." The doctor said.

"Okay?" Avery asked unsure.

"What is your full name?" The doctor asked.

"Avery Clairol Tomlinson." Avery stated.

"What is todays date?" The doctor asked.

"September 4, 2014." Avery said.

"What is the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked.

"Uh being in the car with someone and getting hit by a semi." Avery said. So she remembers going on their date.

"Okay boys you work on trying to get her to remember." The doctor said leaving the room.

"Okay, who do you remember?" I asked.

"Er, Louis, someone named Niall who I think was my boyfriend, Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton. I think I may know you three's names' but it's really hard." Avery said.

"OK try saying their names and I will tell you if you're right." I said.

"Er. Liam, Har-ry, and Zach?" Avery said.

"You were right on Liam and Harry but not his. Try again." I said.

"Is it Zayn?" Avery asked. I nodded and we all cheered in excitment.

"Do you remember anything else?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." Avery said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Everything!" Avery exclaimed.

"Really? Prove it. What is my eye color?" Niall asked.

"Blue. Your original hair color is brown, you are the only irish one in your band.Your full name is Niall James Horan. Your mum's name is Maura and your brothers name is Greg, and you have a nephew named Theo." Avery said.

"SHE'S BACK!" I yelled.

"Yeah Lou keep it down please." Avery begged.

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