Chapter 15

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~3rd person point of view~

Once the three got to the hospital they went up to the lady at the front desk.

"We are here for an appointment for her arm." Louis said.

"Okay, follow me." The lady said.

"The doctor should be in s-" The nurse said but was interrupted by the doctor.

"What color do you want? We are taking the cast off to look at it today." The doctor informed Avery.

"Can you make it rainbow color zebra print?" Avery asked.

"Yes m'am." (I don't know if they actually do that I have never had a broken bone.) The doctor said. The doctor took the cast off and examined her arm.

~Niall's point of view~

Her arm looked awful. I feel so bad for her. I love the idea for her cast though. It's cute. Like her.

"That's highly unusual." The doctor said. Louis and I shared glances then looked to see that Avery was nearly crying. I walked over to her and grabbed her free hand. The doctor took her arm in between his hands and squeezed.

"Does that hurt love?" I asked.

"Very much." Avery said.

"It's gonna be okay. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Avery said.

"Try singing through the pain." I suggested.

"Okay." Avery said. Avery started singing to the pain and the doctor looked up at her in complete shock.

"Are you that girl from You-Tube?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah." Avery answered. The doctor continued with her cast but continued with the conversation nevertheless.

"My daughter Sebrina loves you." The doctor said.

"Seriously?" Avery and Louis asked.

"Yeah very serious. Anyway could I have all of your guys' autographs for Sebrina?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah." We all said in unison. We all autographed a piece of paper but Avery had issues because she broke the arm that she uses for writing.

"Alright here you go. Just if you do go swimming put a tightly sealed bag over your cast. You have an appointment on the 30th of next month. You are free to go. Do you need more pain medicine?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah she will." Louis said.

"Okay let me get you some. I will be right back." The doctor said. He got up and left. He came back a few minutes later with a small bottle of pills. We said goodbye and then left.

"I love your new cast Ave!" Louis and I both exclaimed.

"Thanks guys." Avery said.

"Put your arm in that sling right now." Louis said sternly.

"Okay." Avery huffed. I helped her put the sling on and then she grabbed onto my arm. I wrapped my arm around her. She moved her hands to around my waste and I moveed mine to around her shoulders. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then helped her into the back of the car me following behind her. Louis hopped into the front seat and started the car.

"How are you feeling Ave?" I asked.

"Tired. You?" Avery asked.

"Same. Here rest your head on my shoulder and try to get some sleep I'll wake you when we get there." I said. Avery rested her head on my shoulder so I wrapped my arm around her making her head rest on my chest. I leaned my head on hers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~Louis's point of view~

I looked behind me and seen that Niall and Avery where fast asleep on each other. So cute! I took a picture and sent it to the boys.

Me: Look at these cuties.

Liam: That is so cute!

Harry: So cute Lou!

Zayn: That is adorable!

Michael: Aww!

Luke: How cute!

Calum: That's so cute!

Ashton: OMG! That's so cute! Send that to them when they wake up!

I replied to Ashton and then I decided it was time to wake them up.

Me: I will Ash.

"Niall, bud wake up." I said.

"Where are we?" Niall asked looking around.

"We are back at the bus. Do you wanna wake up Avery or are you going to carry her?" I asked.

"I'll carry her." Niall said. Niall grabbed Avery and carried her bridal style onto the bus. I walked in and seen that Niall was laying Avery on their bunk.

"How's she doing?" Harry asked.

"She just fell asleep in the car with Niall but the doctor said that her arm was unusual." I said.

"She'll be okay Lou it will be all healed in ten months." Harry assured me. I knodded my head as if to say 'okay' and gave him a quick hug.

"I am going to call Eleanor." I mumbled.

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