Chapter 33

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I can't believe she just friend zoned me. Yeah I like her but I can't even date her because she's into Niall. I mean yeah I like Niall I really do but I also really like her. I just am torn between this. I like someone else too. Stacey is her name. I love her. She's my ex girlfriend. Stacey and I broke up because she didn't want to deal with the long distance but I really miss her. I decided to call her.
"Hey Luke what's up?" Stacey asked after she answered the phone.
"I really miss you. Do you wanna come stay with us for a week?" I asked.
"I guess. I gotta talk to my mum and dad but other than that I guess I can. I hope you know I'm not going to date you until you get back." Stacey said.
"So we're just friends?" I asked sadly. I just wanted to call her mine again.
"No, we can still act like a couple but we aren't a couple." Stacey said.
"I don't want that though. I want you as my girlfriend again. Not whatever you would call the acting like we are dating even though we aren't. I really miss you Stace." I replied.
"Well I don't want to tie you down. I don't want you to cheat on me. I miss you too, but I don't want to deal with the heartache or the heartbreak if you do kiss someone else when you go to a club to celebrate. I want you happy." Stacey said now practically yelling.
"I was happy with you. I'm not happy when I'm not with you. Please just think about it. I really miss you." I said almost crying. I just miss her.
"Luke. I understand I made you happy but I can't date you right now. I'm sorry. Maybe when you get back." Stacey said. I heard a voice in the background and strained my ears to hear what they said.
"Stacey babe who is it?" The GUY voice asked. She's with another guy. She was worried that I would cheat?
"It's my ex. Don't worry about it Jason." Stacey mumbled.
"Come back to bed though I'm cold and the movie is almost over." The guy who's name is Jason whined.
"Really Stacey? You were worried about me cheating on you. I can't believe you. I don't want you to come visit me in fact delete my number and never talk to me again." I fumed. I feel so numb inside.
"Why?" Stacey asked.
"You were worried about me cheating on you yet you moved on so quickly. Were you cheating on me before we broke up?" I asked nearly crying.
"Yeah. I was bored of you so I found someone else. I love Jason." Stacey said. That's when I snapped I hit end call and threw my phone at the wall ahead of me. I was sitting on my bunk so I threw it at Calum. I didn't even care if it broke I was upset, hurt, broken, and fuming.
"What was that about?" Calum asked looking at me sideways.
"Stacey was all worried about me cheating on her and she did it to me while we were still dating." I confessed. Calum hopped off his bunk and came over to mine and wrapped me up in a warm comforting hug. He always has the best hugs.
"She wasn't worth it man." Calum said.
"But I was in love with her. Those feelings don't just go away." I said.
"You know what I was that way with Hannah but I'm better. You'll be okay bud." Calum said.
"I just can't help but wonder why I wasn't good enough for her." I said. Avery walked in the room and seen me and Cal hugging.
"What's the matter guys?" Avery asked.
"Luke just found out his ex girlfriend cheated on him when they were still dating. She even broke up with him because she thought he would cheat on her." Calum explained to her. I groaned just thinking about it.
"Do you want an Avery hug?" Avery asked. I nodded and Cal got up and went back over to his bunk. Avery climbed up onto my bed with a bit of a struggle and instantly wrapped me into a hug. She kissed my forehead and told me everything would be okay.
"Listen Luke. I love you and if she didn't see how much of an amazing person you are then she is one blind chick. Don't let her ruin the tour." Avery said.
"That was so sweet. Thank you." I said looking up and into her eyes. I started leaning forward and so did she. Our lips met and sparks flew. I pulled away first and just smiled.
"What was that for?" Avery asked shocked.
"I really don't know." I said.
"Me either." Avery mumbled.
"Are you tired?" I asked.
"A bit. What about you?" Avery asked.
"Just a bit. But I'm really hungry." I said.
"Let's get some food." Avery suggested. I nodded my head in approval and hopped down I then helped Avery get off the bed too.
"Thanks Lukey." Avery said smiling.
"Welcome Ave." I said swinging his arm around her shoulder.
"Can we have pizza?" Avery asked, a sudden burst of energy shooting to her.
"Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly.

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