Chapter 4

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*Harry's Point of View*

I was at the store when I bumped into my ex-girlfriend Amanda. She cheated on me with one of my best friends. Not the boy's. Apparently they all hated her. Well anyway she cheated on me and denied that she did after I walked in on her and my so called best friends "date night." We were sharing a flat too but I packed up and moved in with my mum until I get a new flat. I still can't believe she cheated and then denied it. That day she really did crush my heart. I felt like someone took their hand stuck it in my chest and grabbed my heart out of my chest and ran it over two hundred times with a semi. It was terrible. I refused to leave my room for a month. The only time I left was when it was time to eat. Well she came up to me today and tried kissing me and hugging me. I pushed her away though. She looked so hurt. I told her that she hurt me and I am never going to forgive her. Amanda ran out of the isle crying. I wanted nothing more than to go to the hotel and curl up into a ball for the rest of my life. But I just. I couldn't. I didn't want to show her that I am still crushed after all these months. So after I got back I went straight to my room and my new girlfriend Skylar.

*Niall's point of View*

We just got off the phone with the police and I decided to do something to show Avery how much I really do love her. I decided on writing a song. I called Louis and the others in to help me with this Idea.


AM I asleep, Am I awake or somewhere inbetween?

I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me

Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined

Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine


Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss

And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this

I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl

And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world


Truly, madly, deeply

I am

foolishly, completely falling

and somehow you kicked all my walls in,

so baby say you'll always keep me

Truly, Madly, Crazy, Deeply in love with you

In Love

with you...


Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed?

And wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said

And tender touches just to show you how I feel

Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal?


WIsh I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this

I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it

'Cause here's the tragic truth, if you don't feel the same

My heart would fall apart if someone said your name


Truly, madly, deeply

I am

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