Chapter 7

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<Avery's point of view>

"So Ave, I was wondering if maybe you would want to go on a date with me tonight?" Niall asked me.

"Of course. What should I wear and what time are we leaving?" I asked.

"What you are wearing is perfect, and how about right now?" Niall replied.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Lou I am taking Avery out we'll be back later." Niall yelled.

"Okay. Be careful." Louis yelled back. We walked out the bus door and Niall walked over to the theatre. They have another concert tomorrow so we are just staying in the bus so after the concert they can all change and we can leave.

"So what movie do you wan't to watch?" Niall asked.

"It's up to you." I replied. Niall nodded his head and walked up to the guy to buy our tickets. Niall came back with two tickets and a medium popcorn with two medium drinks. We walked over to the theatre and sat down.

"We are watching mamma? Niall you know I hate scary movies why would you pick this movie?" I asked terrified.

"So you could cuddle with me." Niall repied.

"You are so cheesy." I said smiling. He just laughed and gave me a kiss.

"Niall?" I asked.

"Yes Ave?" Niall replied.

"I love you." I replied.

"I love you too." Niall replied. Niall kissed me and then he pulled away and we started watching the movie. I hid behind Niall the whole time Niall just laughed at me.

"Do you want to leave?" Niall whispered in my ear.

"Yes." I exclaimed jumping up. Niall laughed and got up. we walked out of the theatre and we started walking back to the bus. It started raining and I was trying to keep my cast from getting wet. Niall pulled his jacket off and put in over me.

"Niall take your jacket I'm fine." I said. I started taking the jacket off but Niall stopped me AGAIN.

"Keep it on your cast can't get wet." Niall said. Niall stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and turned towards me.

"What are you do-" I was stopped by Niall he kissed me in the rain. We stood there kissing for at least twenty minutes. When we pulled apart we where both smiling. I started coughing really bad.

"Ave are you okay?" Niall asked.

"Yeah just a little itch in my throat." I replied.

"Ave we should get you inside." Niall said pulling me towards the bus. We walked in and then I started coughing again.

"Lou we are home. Do you know where the thermometer is?" Niall asked.

"Yea here. Why do you keep coughing Ave?" Louis asked handing Niall the thermometer.

"I have an itch in my throat." I replied still coughing.

"Here put this in your mouth Ave." Niall said handing me the thermometer. I stuck it in my mouth and waited for the beep. I looked at the thermometer and then handed it back to Niall. Niall looked at it and then turned it off. I reached over and put the back of my hand to Niall's forehead. He was burning up. I took the thermometer from Niall and stuck it in his mouth. It beeped and I took it out of his mouth it read 101.1.

"Ni you have a fever." I said.

"No I don't I'm okay." Niall said. I showed him the thermometer and his eyes widened.

"Here let's go lay down." I said I pulled Niall over to his bunk and he laid down. I went out to the front of the bus and made him some soup. After it was done I poured it in a cup and brought it over to him. I then grabbed him some medicine and gave that to him with some water.

"Come lay with me." Niall begged.

"Ni you are sick." I said.

"Please?" Niall asked.

"Fine. Only because you're sick and I love you." I said. He smiled and pulled me onto his bunk. He tried to kiss me but I stopped him.

"Niall you're sick. I am not going to kiss you." I said.

"Please." Niall begged.

"Fine." I huffed. I gave him a kiss and when I pulled away he pulled me back in to kiss him. He's going to get me sick. He finally let go of me and finished his soup. He went to get up but I stopped him.

"You're sick. Stay here and I will get my laptop and we can watch a movie." I said. I grabbed his cup and ran away from him. He started chasing after me. I ran over to Lou and hid behind him.

"Lou help." I exclaimed.

"No I'm good." Louis said moving away from me. I saw Calum and Michael and ran over to them I jumped over them and hid behind them.

"What are you doing Avery?" Calum asked.

"Hiding from Niall." I whispered.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"He's trying to kiss me." I replied laughing.

"Why don't you want him to kiss you?" Calum asked.

"He's sick." I replied.

"How did he get sick?" Michael asked confused.

"We kissed in the rain and now he has a fever." I replied.

"That's so cheesy but I hope he gets better." Michael said.

"Yeah but he probably got me sick now." I replied.

"How did he get YOU sick?" Calum asked.

"He begged me to kiss him and I gave in." I replied.


Double update. Thank you for all of these reads. I want to know what you guy's think of my story. Honest opinions. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

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