Chapter 8

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*Avery's point of view*

"Why would you give him a kiss if he's sick?" Michael asked.

"Because he gave me puppy dog eyes. I have never been able to say no to his puppy dog eyes." I said.

"Well just don't fall for it because Louis would be so upset at you for getting sick because you kissed Niall while he is sick." Calum said.

"Who am I mad at?" Louis asked walking into the room.

"Me." Michael said.

"Why would I be mad at you?" Louis asked confused.

"Because I ate all your carrots." Michael replied.

"What. Why?" Louis exclaimed.

"Because I was hungry and that was the only thing in the fridge that I didn't have to cook." Michael replied.

"I have to go check on Niall." I said getting up and leaving the room. I started coughing again and Louis gave me a cough drop.

"Niall how are you feeling?" I asked walking over to his bunk.

"I feel cold but hot at the same time." Niall replied. I grabbed the thermometer and put it in his mouth. It beeped and I took it out of his mouth and looked at it. It read: 101.5. I went over to the freezer and grabbed him an ice pack. I took the ice pack over to Niall and put it on his forehead.

"Ave what are you doing?" Niall asked.

"Putting an ice pack on your forehead. Mum always did that when I had a fever. Yours just so happens to be 101.5 now lay down and try to go to sleep." I said kissing his cheek.

"Night Ave. Love you." Niall said yawning.

"Night Ni. Love you too." I walked away over to Lou.

"Louis Niall is sick." I said coughing.

"How did he get sick?" Louis asked.

"He kissed me in the rain and now he has a fever." I replied sitting down and laying my head on Michael's shoulder. Michael wrapped his arm around me so I could be more comfortable.

"Well we may have to cancel the concert for tomorrow. Unless he wants to perform while he's sick." Michael said.

"Niall's performed while he was sick before. He should be okay." Louis said.

"Guys he has a fever of 101.5 he can't perform." I said.

"Go to sleep Ave your tired." Michael said. I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I fell asleep a few seconds later.

*Michael's point of view*

"Should I leave her here or take her to bed with Niall?" I asked Louis.

"You should take her to bed with Niall. Then everyone needs to go to bed. We have an early concert tomorrow." Louis said. I nodded my head okay and got up with Avery in my arms. I took her over to Niall's bunk and layed her down next to him. He looks so sick. I walked over to my bunk and went to sleep.

*Luke's point of view*

"Calum please get off of me." I said. I got woken up by Calum laying on top of me.

"No. I am protecting you." Calum said.

"From what?" I asked.

"Sick Niall." Calum said.

"When did he get sick?" I asked.

"Last night. He has a fever of 101.4 right now." Calum replied.

"Is Avery okay?" I asked.

"No, she has a sore throat and he most likely got her sick too." Calum replied.

"How did he get her sick?" I asked.

"He kissed her." Calum replied.

"While he was sick?" I asked.

"Yeah." Calum replied. I just rolled over but I must have rolled over to the wrong side because I fell off the bunk and onto the floor.

"Lukey are you okay?" Calum asked jumping off the bed and down to my side.

"Yeah. I will be fine." I said.

"Okay. Now get off the floor." Calum said getting up and pulling me with him. We walked over to where the others are sitting. Everyone was there except for Niall and Avery.

"Where's Niall and Avery?" I asked. Louis just bursted into tears.

"Woah what did I say?" I asked.

"She's in the hospital." Louis said through sobs.

"What about Niall?" I asked.

"He doesn't have a fever anymore so he's with Avery. But she has to have surgery." Harry said.

"Well that's good for Niall but why does she have to have surgery?" I asked.

"She has a really bad sore throat they couldn't tell us what it was but she has to have surgery to fix it. I think they said it has to do with her vocal chords." Liam said.

"Well are we gonna go see her?" I asked.

"Yeah. Niall's on his way back for the concert and then after the concert we are going to the hospital." Zayn said. I nodded my head okay and then went to get dressed. Calum followed me out of the bus and to ours. I got changed and so did Calum. After we got changed we walked over to the other bus. Niall was in there so I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"What's the hug for?" Niall asked.

"Congratulations on your fever breaking and because you looked like you needed one. Avery will be fine I promise." I said. Niall just nodded his head as if to say thanks and then we left.

*Right before the concert ends*

"So recently Niall has been sick. But he got better. Now my twin sister Avery is in the hospital. I would like to say that it may seem like I am out of it for a while and I am SO sorry but with my sister in the hospital I am just really worried. So if you guys send her get well soon tweets just keep the negativity to yourself. Thank you and have a wonderful day." Louis said. They ran off stage and ran to get changed. After they came back out we all left to go to the hospital.

"How was she before you left?" Louis asked Niall.

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