Chapter 22

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Louis and Avery ran to the car after Louis explained who had called him. Avery quickly called the others and told them to go to the hospital. The others were confused but did as told.

"Will she be okay?" Avery asked.

"Yeah. I think so." Louis said.

~Avery's pov~

I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. Niall came running into the room looking terrified.

"What's wrong Aves?" Niall asked.

"I had a dream mum was in the hospital." I said. Niall came over and sat on the couch where I was laying. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Ave you're burning up!" Niall exclaimed.

"No I'm fine." I said. I coughed and then sneezed. Niall just smirked at me.

"You my dear are sick. Lay down and I will make you some soup." Niall said kissing my forehead and then went to the kitchen part of the bus to make some soup. My leg still hurts considering I litteraly just got out of the hospital. Louis walked into the room and lifted my feet up so he could sit. He sat down and gently put my feet on his lap.

"I hear you are sick my poor sister. Niall told me to watch after you until he gets your soup made." Louis said.

"Thank you. Am I just distracting you guys because if so I can go home and Marilee can watch after me with mum and the others." I said.

"Avery, why in the world would you think that? You make this a cooler experience. Plus I like spending time with you. That's rare." Louis said.

"I'm sorry Lou. Hey why don't after I'm not sick we have a Lou and Ave day like old time. Yeah?" I asked.

"I would love that!" Louis exclaimed. Niall walked in the room and I swear his eyes lit up as soon as he seen me. He looked at Lou and I and smiled.

"That's so cute. Here is your soup my love." Niall said handing me a soup with a pot holder underneath.

"Careful it's hot." Niall said.

"Thank you." I said. Niall came over and picked the upper half of my body up then sat down and set my head in his lap.

"You are very welcome. I love you Ave bear." Niall said (A/N I made that name up it sounds stupid but it goes with the theme right now so yeah)

"You guys are so cute." Louis said.

"Thanks." Niall and I both said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Do you want some soup?" I asked Niall. He shook his head no and took the bowl away from me. I pouted my lips and he laughed. He grabbed the spoon got some soup on it and blewon it to cool it down. After he got it cooled enough he gave it to me. So he's feeding me now?

"Niall!" I exclaimed laughing.


Sorry I havn't updated in like FOREVER but I did now and I will update again soon. Good night/ morning Wherever you are

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