Chapter 21

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Still 3rd person pov

Louis and Avery went into the Starbucks and sat down. Louis went over to the counter and ordered two of the same drink. You could definitely tell they were twins by the taste of everything they do. Louis likes a certain drink so does Avery. Louis loves carrots well so does Avery. They are so much alike it was surprising one day when Avery walked into school alone on the first day Louis went on the X-Factor. That's why Avery has so many friends now. She use to be by his side for everything then he went to the X-Factor and that broke until they seen each other again and they are back to being inseparable. Niall thought it was the cutest thing ever and so did the other lads. Harry at first thought it was creepy but then realized they had a pretty good relationship. Every time Louis has a tour you will find Avery there.

"One for you baby sis." Louis said handing Avery her drink.

"I am your twin I'm not your baby sis." Avery said giggling.

Louis also giggled before answering. " I know Ave it's just so fun to say."

"I love you Louis and I don't think I tell you that enough." Avery said.

"Oh I think you do but hey you know what. It's a secret so don't tell anyone." Louis said leaning in closer to Avery to tell his oh-so important secret.

"What?" Avery asked.

"I love you too just as much as I love my carrots and that is a lot." Louis said.

"I love you way more Lou." Avery said.

"As much as you love Niall?" Louis asked a big smile on his face.

"Yep just as much." Avery said.

"Aww. Okay down to being serious." Louis said attempting to pull a serious face.

"Okay?" Avery said unsure.

"You my pretty model twin are going to sing another song tomorrow night while we are waiting. So you are going to be the once in a life time opening act for our opening act." Louis said.

"Oh. Lou I can't do that." Avery said. Louis smile soon turned into a frown.

"What? Why?" Louis yelled. Earning a few 'be quiets' and death stares.

"Sorry." Louis apologized.

"Well I just can't I mean I have a broken leg and a broken arm. I would said yes if I had just a broken arm but with having a broken leg in the mix I have to say no. It will be really uncomfortable and I don't want that. Sorry." Avery explained.

"I totally forgot about that. I am so sorry. You don't have to sing. I want you to rest your leg tomorrow. But for now lets just hang out and then head back yeah?" Louis said.

"Yeah." Avery said. Louis phone started ringing so he picked it up to answer it.

"Hello?" Louis said into the phone.

"Louis. You need to get to the hospital right now." Louis dad said into the phone.

"What?" Louis asked.

"Your mum. She she was in a store and there was a robber. He said if she didn't stop crying he was going to shoot her. He shot her but he only got her arm and leg i think. All I know is that you need to get to the hospital and check on her. I am on a flight in a couple hours. So I should be there soon but I need you and your sister to get there." Louis dad explained.

"Okay." Louis said.

"Who was it?" Avery asked after Louis hung up.

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