Chapter 31

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*three weeks later*
"Aves. I know it's sorta out of the blue but I can't be in this relationship anymore. I love you I really do but I just can't date you anymore." Niall said.
"What?" Avery asked shocked.
"I just can't handle this anymore." Niall said.
"Am I doing something wrong?" Avery asked already crying.
"No, it's, just I can't deal with a relationship right now. I need to focus on my career." Niall said.
"I understand." Avery said getting up off the bench they were sitting on at the mall. Avery walked away and back to the bus. As soon as she seen Louis she rushed over to him.
"Aves what's wrong?" Louis asked concerned.
"Niall just broke up with me." Avery sobbed into Louis shirt.
"I'm so sorry love. It'll get better soon." Louis said.
"I guess." Avery said.
"Do you wanna watch a movie like we used to. We can watch any movie you want and I will get the ice cream." Louis suggested.
"Okay." Avery sobbed.
Meanwhile Niall was crying at the mall in the same spot he was left in. Management forced him to break up with Avery. He wanted to continue dating Avery but he couldn't. Niall was told he either broke up with her or he will no longer be in the band.
"Why are you crying?" A little girl asked.
"I had to break up with my girlfriend." Niall replied looking at the little girl standing in front of him.
"It'll be okay." The girl said giving Niall a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks. What's your name?" Niall asked.
"Cya Aria Donelson." The little girl said in a baby voice. She looked about three years old.
"Well my name is Niall James Horan. Where's your mummy?" Niall asked.
"I lost her." Cya said. (It's pronounced Kya but spelt with a C)
"Well we should go find her." Niall said.
"No. I don't have a mummy or daddy anymore." Cya said.
"Why?" Niall asked.
"They dead." Cya said.
"Do you have an adult with you?" Niall asked. Cya shook her head no making her blonde curls shake.
"Are you in an adoption center?" Niall asked. Cya shook her head yes and smiled.
"Can I adopt you?" Niall asked.
"Yea!" Cya exclaimed. Niall picked up the little girl and took her to the closest adoption place there was. Niall walked into the door and up to the front desk.
"Can I adopt her?" Niall asked.
"I don't see why not." The lady said.
"Okay. How do I do that?" Niall asked.
"Sign some papers and collect her things." The lady said.
"Okay." Niall replied. Niall signed some papers to say that Cya is officially Cya Aria Horan.
"That's all. Thanks for adopting today. Please take good care of her. Here are her medical conditions and allergies." The lady said. Niall said thank you and left. He went back to the bus and got a car. He was going to take his daughter shopping.
"Let's go shopping." Niall suggested.
"YAYYYYYYYYYY!" Cya exclaimed. Niall drive to the mall and bought Cya everything she wanted but if it didn't fit in the bus he couldn't buy it. He told her he would get her more things after they are done touring. Niall and Cya finally finished and headed back to the bus.
"We're back!" Niall yelled.
"Who's this little cutie?" Liam asked.
"This is my daughter. Liam, boys meet Cya Aria Horan. Cya meet Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn." Niall said.
"When did you have a daughter?" Avery asked.
"I just adopted her." Niall said clenching his teeth.
"Oh that's cool. I'm Avery. Niall's ex girlfriend." Avery said.
"Hello." Cya said.
"I'm your uncle!" Louis said.
"Wuncle Wouis." Cya said. It sounded like she said it with a w instead.
"Can someone help me carry on her things? I bought her everything she would need." Niall said.
"I will!" Harry and Liam exclaimed. Louis just grabbed Avery's hand and took her back to watch their movie.
"Bye Cya." Louis said.
"Bye Louis." Cya said smiling.
"How are you feeling Aves?" Louis asked.
"I've felt better." Avery said.
"We have a concert later." Louis said.
"Mums gonna be there." Louis said.
"I can't wait." Avery said. Niall walked into the room and over to Avery. He bent down picked her up and carried her out of the room and to the bathroom.
"What are you doing Niall?" Avery asked.
"I want you to know I NEVER wanted to break up with you. Management forced me to. Could we date but not show it in public?" Niall asked.
"Yeah. I love you." Avery said. Niall smiled and quickly kissed her.
"Now do I tell you how much I love you or not?" Niall asked.
"I don't care." Avery smiled.
"Well I want you to know how much I love you. I love you so much I can't even get it into words. You are my other half." Niall said.
"That's romantic and all but can we please get out of the bathroom?" Avery asked.
"Yeah. Let's go play with our daughter." Niall suggested. Niall quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bathroom.
"Don't get any ideas. We were just talking." Niall said.

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