Chapter 35

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(Picture is how they look when they are sleeping but obviously it's Niall and Avery sleeping)
"Thank you so much Avery." Niall said to Avery. Avery just smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You're very welcome Niall. Louis might be a little upset that I'm back together with you but he can get over it." Avery said before kisssing Niall on the cheek. Niall smiled and got up to get a drink of water.
Niall turned around and asked, "Can we cuddle tonight?"
"Of course we can Ni." Avery said. Avery instantly sat down on the couch and waited for Niall.
"How's your foot babe?" Niall asked.
"Its fine. Why do you keep asking me that?" Avery asked.
"Because I worry about you. How's your arm?" Niall asked worried.
Sighing Avery responded, "it's fine Niall. Stop worrying about me."
"I worry about you because I love you Avery."
"I love you too. But you should stop worrying about me so much."
Rolling his eyes he replied, "Okay." Niall and Avery cuddled together on the couch and watched movies until they both felt their eyelids getting heavier and heavier.
Luke and Louis were both watching a video with Cya about Barney. Cya had never heard of him and they were appalled by that fact. They had forgotten the fact that she was adopted. Zayn and Liam were both sleeping in their bunks peacefully. Harry on the other hand was playing video games with Calum, Michael, and Ashton on their DS's. Louis was worried on the inside about how Niall and Avery were doing. He so desperately wanted them back together because he shipped them so much. He personally thought they were a cute couple. Even if at first he hated the idea of them dating he's grown to the fact he can't stop love even if he tried. He's glad that Niall finally found his dream girl and that Avery finally found someone who can make her happy and treat her right.
"Hey Luke?" Louis asked. Luke turned his attention to Louis.
"What's up Lou?" Luke asked smiling.
"Have you ever felt guilty about something?" Louis asked guilt evident in his voice and eyes.
"Yeah. Why? What's the matter Lou?" Luke replied.
"Well I feel bad for what I did to Avery. I want to make it up to her." Louis said.
"Tell her sorry and just spend a day out with her. Ask her about her relationship with Niall. Talk about Niall. Show that you are very supportive of them. Just tell her that you support her relationship and explain to her that you were just taken by surprise at how their relationship is. I don't know. Show that you support it though." Luke said.
"Thanks Lukey! You're awesome." Louis said pinching his cheeks.
*The next day*
The bus came to a sudden halt and knocked all the boys off of the bunks and the couch for Ash and Mikey. The bus driver rushed towards the boys.
"You boys have to go onto the other bus for a couple weeks the bus is broken. I'll catch up later go gather your things. I'm sorry boys." The bus driver rushed.
"It's okay. Thank you." Louis said. He walked out to go pack his, Cya's, and Niall's clothes for the couple weeks. Avery already has her clothes in the other bus so he didn't have to worry about that. The others filled behind to pack their stuff. Though it's only a couple weeks they needed to bring all of their things in case it's longer than expected. They wouldn't mind. 5SOS and 1D get along really well so it wouldn't matter. After they were all packed, which took about 30 minutes, they hauled their things onto the other bus. Where they found Niall and Avery cuddled up on the couch. Niall had his head on hers and she had one of her arms wrapped around his torso and the other laying on his lap. They all mentally awed at how cute they looked. Ashton dropped the bag he was carrying and pulled his phone out. He took a picture and posted it on his Twitter.
@Ashton5SOS: look at this cute couple. *picture to the side/above*
Niall's phone dinged and so did Avery's. They both started stirring but quickly fell back asleep. Louis heard the soft breathing of his sister, but the slightly loud snoring of his band mate.
"Put your stuff in there and we'll discuss the sleeping arrangements later. Most likely Niall and Avery are sleeping together. Lou you and Harry, Liam and Zayn, Luke and Cal, and then Michael and I will sleep together. The bus isn't all that big so it's going to be a bit cramped. Cya will probably sleep with them two or in her own bed." Ashton explained.
"Niall had said something about sending her back with his mum tonight so he can focus. Plus his mum might want to spend time with her granddaughter too." Liam said.
"Grandma?" Cya asked. This was the first time she had spoken since last night.
*after the concert*
Cya was sent back with Niall's mum and everyone went to the bus. Currently they were all watching tv on the couch. Niall and Avery all cuddled up and Luke depressed because he really wanted a girlfriend to cuddle with. Ash came up with a great idea and decided to tell everyone.
"Guys we should go clubbing." Ashton spoke up. Everyone looked over at him.
"That sounds like fun Ash, but Avery can't go clubbing she has broken bones." Louis said.
"Lou, I can go. I'm perfectly capable of making sure I am staying safe and not hurting my foot and arm worse." Avery said rolling her eyes.
"Then it's settled we are going clubbing get dressed." Ashton said smiling.
"This should be good." Louis said under his breath.
"Why are you always so negative Lou?" Avery asked.
"I'm just sad. I'm not trying to be negative but it's hard when I'm sad and feeling guilty." Louis answered sighing.
"Why are you feeling guilty?" Avery asked confused.
"Because. I wasn't happy that you and Niall finally found someone that treats you guys right and I'm so sorry. I really don't know why I hated it. I mean I always wanted you two to get together but I guess when you guys started dating I hated it. I don't know why though Aves. I think it was just the big brother in me coming out. I know we're twins but you will always be my baby sister." Louis rambled.
"It's okay Lou. I appreciate that you are apologizing but you don't have to. I know that you like us dating now so it's okay." Avery said smiling.
"But it's not. I love you. I love the fact that you are dating one of my best friends. I love you both so much. I can't believe I would even act like that but I did and I am so sorry. Can we have a brother and sister day tomorrow? I want to learn all about your relationship with Niall." Louis asked sincerely.
"Of course Louis. I love you big bro." Avery said smiling while kissing his cheek.
"Thank you so much Avery. I love you too baby sis." Louis said also kissing her cheek.
*after everyone is dressed*
*Niall's POV* (shocked?)
Avery came out of the back room in the most beautiful outfits ever. She wore a pink dress with Aztec print, she had sparkly lips which made her look super cute, black high heels, curled hair. In other words she looked absolutely gorgeous. I was wearing a pair of black skinnies, a white button up shirt, supras and a snap back. I walked over to Avery and grabbed her arm. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear.
"You look gorgeous tonight Avery."
"You too Niall. handsome not gorgeous." Avery replied awkwardly.
*3rd person POV*
She wasn't used to this from Niall. He's never done this to her. (Unless he did in previous chapters. I can't remember)
"Why are you being so awkward?" Niall asked cautiously.
"Because I've never had you tell me that. I mean it's nice but usually you say that so everyone can hear you. Why different tonight?" Avery asked.
"Because I want you to know that I love you so much. I'm sorry Avery. It was just one of those-" Niall said.
"It's okay Niall. I love you too. Don't worry." Avery said cutting him off. She kissed him on the cheek and grabbed his hand. Niall pouted his lip out and pointed at his lips with his free hand.
"You missed Avery." Niall whined like a little kid does when he's in a candy shop wanting candy.
"Cheeky leprechaun." Avery said in her best Irish accent. Niall laughed and leaned in puckering his lips and closing his blue eyes. Avery dramatically sighed but kissed him.

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