Chapter 27

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I woke up to Avery shaking me.
"Babe get up." Avery whispered in my ear. I shook my head no and tried going back to sleep. Keyword tried, Avery started kissing my whole face to try and get me up.
"Babe your going to be late for your concert. You missed 5 Seconds of Summer performing and I was going to wake you up for that but you looked so cute when you were sleeping so I didn't wake you up." Avery rambled. I stopped her by putting my hand over her mouth.
"Stop. I am going to be late. Do you wanna pick my clothes tonight?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh YES!" Avery exclaimed. She rushed over to my clothes and picked out a pair of black skinnies and a tank top with a SnapBack. She handed those to me with some of my bracelets and she quickly changed into something close to that. She wore a pair of black skinnies, All Time Low tank top, Ugg boots, bracelets, nerd glasses, and one of my snapbacks. She also curled her hair in just a few minutes and then I quickly fixed my hair. We were done. We walked off the bus hand in hand and went to the venue we were playing at. I looked at Avery and instantly smiled.
"What?" Avery asked. I just smirked and licked her cheek because Yolo. I quickly ran away from her so I wouldn't get hurt. Because knowing Avery she would have slapped me. I turned around to see her really close to me. I forgot she was in track in school she had a bunch of metals in her room whenever I would visit Louis and her. I once asked what the point of running around a track was and she glared at me then walked away. She is very serious about running and other sports she does. I stopped and she ran right into me knocking me down with her on the bottom because I fell forward. She fell on her arm because before I fell someone called her name and she turned around.
"Niall get off it hurts!" Avery exclaimed you could tell it hurt. I quickly got off of her and tried picking her up. Avery quickly rolled off of her stomach and inspected her arm.
"Let me see babe." I said. I bent down and gently grabbed her arm to look at it.
"It should be okay. Do you want to go to the hospital?" I asked. Avery shook her head yes.
"Can you wait until after the show?" I asked.
"I can have Paul take me with on of the 5sos boys." Avery suggested. I shook my head and wrapped her in a quick hug. Avery walked away after we exchanged 'I love you's' and a quick kiss. I quickly went to Lou our stylist and got my hair fixed even though I'm wearing a SnapBack.
•after the concert•
I quickly ran off stage and got changed. I told the boys where I was going and they opted to go with. Mainly Louis because it's his sister we are talking about. I ran into the hospital once we go there.
"Where is Avery Tomlinson?" I asked.
"With the doctor. How do you know her?" The lady asked.
"I'm her boyfriend. That's her brother and those are her best friends." I explained.
"Only you and the brother can go back." The lady said. We followed her to where Avery is and once we got to the room the lady was going to explain something but I burst through the door.
"AVERY!" I yelled. I ran over to her and kissed her cheek. I heard a cough and looked to see the doctor staring at me with disapproval on his face.
"Sorry I just really missed her." I mumbled.
"Well she needs to have surgery to fix the bone. Your first doctor didn't tell you that?" The doctor explained.
"No they just said I have to have it on for the whole tour." Avery said.
"Well you have two options: you could have the surgery or you could let your bone heal on its own in time. Which means probably a year and a half in a cast." The doctor went on to explain.
"I would rather have a cast. I can't deal with any more surgeries." Avery said.
"We should discuss this Avery." Louis said through clenched teeth.
"No I don't really think we do!" Avery exclaimed. Louis clenched his fists and then unclenched them.
"We NEED to discuss this. I will not have you in a cast for a year and a half. You will have the surgery and that's that!" Louis exclaimed.
"If you do the surgery it is a possibility she won't make it out. The bone is really bad. keep that in mind." the doctor butted in.
"FINE! HAVE THE STUPID CAST I DON'T CARE!" Louis yelled before walking out of the room.
"What was that all about?" Avery asked on the verge of tears. I rushed over to her and started rubbing her back.
"Shhh it's okay. El just broke up with him. She cheated on him. He's just really broken right now it's okay." I whispered in her ear. Avery started crying and I wasn't sure if it was because of Louis or because of the pain. Maybe both? I feel bad I've never seen him yell at her like that before. I decided to go check on Louis. I told the doctor I would be back and that she wants a cast then left to find Louis.
"Why did you yell at her Louis?" I asked nicely.
"I didn't mean to. It just happened. She hates me now doesn't she?" Louis rambled.
"No, she's just really scared. She thinks you hate her." I said.
"I could never hate her. I need to fix this." Louis said. He got up and started to walk away but I stopped him.
"The doctor is switching her cast I wouldn't want to go in there. He has to take the whole thing off." I said.
"So it's going to look gross?" Louis asked. He had horror on his face and I just shook my head. He quickly sat back down. We waited for Avery to some back out and once she did she looked up from the floor and smiled once she saw me but when she seen Louis she looked as if she went pale.
"I know you probably hate me, but I am so sorry for what I said." Louis said.
"Your not mad at me?" Avery asked. Louis shook his head no and Avery ran over to him to give him a hug.
"I love you sis." Louis said.

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