♡ Rani... ♡

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Narrator P.O.V

It was the day before class 1A was scheduled to return back to their studies at U.A and to begin living in the dorms. So much had happened in the last few days and weeks that they'd forgotten to visit their own classmate and friend.

Rani had sustained extreme injuries during the villain attack on the training camp, and was immediately rushed to hospital as soon as the medics got there. How she even survived as long as she did was a mystery to her doctors, but everyone was just thankful that she had.

Rani had been unconscious since then, but because of all that had happened no one had visited her. They had decided that they were going to change that while they weren't all busy.

All of the members of class 1A, including Aizawa entered the lobby of the hospital Rani was currently staying at. Following right behind them was Mio, Lily, Sano and Shinso. The class had invited Eclipse, but no one had been able to contact her since the All for One battle. That being said, Aizawa had spoken to her family when he'd asked for their permission to have Eclipse live in the dorms, and they said that she was fine.

The area was filled with people, either waiting to see a doctor, waiting on someone else or stood around in groups discussing things with their friends or family. A few heads turned when the group entered, but other than that no one payed much mind.

With Aizawa in the lead, the group made their way up to the front desk and stood in front of one of the ladies. A woman with short brown hair, similar to Uraraka's sat in front of them with her attention on her computer screen. It wasn't until Sano cleared his throat did she look up.

"Good Afteenoon, what can I do for you today?" She said instantly, almost like a robot.

"We're looking for a patient by the name of Rani Fujimoto, would you by any chance be able to tell us where her room is?" Mio asked sweetly, giving them a smile. The nurse looked back down at her computer and began to tap away.
"Give me just one second..."

While the lady was trying to find Rani's room number, Shinso turned away and looked back the way they had entered. The sun could be just be seen over the buildings in front of the hospital through the glass doors, lighting up the room with a yellow glow.

His thoughts tumbled over to his few experiences with Rani, but he began to hesitate. What was he even doing here? It wasn't like he was close with her or anything. Maybe he should just leave and pretend that he never came? Maybe she doesn't even want to see him and that's why she and him haven't seen each other in a while. After all, he does have the quirk of a-

"So, it would seem that your friend is currently in intensive care. That basically means that only family can see her, my apologises."
The nurse said, interrupting Shinso from his thoughts.

The eyes of Rani's classmates widened with shock, Bakugou, Todoroki and Lily looking pissed towards the lady. Bakugou even tried to take a step forward and opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped when Kirishima suddenly gripped hold of his arm.

The class looked around wondering what to do now as the lady once again turned back to her screen and continued on with what she was doing originally. The class began to wonder if they should leave and visit her another time when she'd stabilised, but no one wanted to. They wanted to see her and make sure she was alright, even if she wasn't conscious.

Just as the class began to lose hope, the doors to the hospital lobby opened and Eclipse walked in. Her expression was hidden by the light pouring in behind her and her hair as she made her way towards the front desk. As she approached the class, her expression was still hidden beneath her hair and she didn't even turn to look at them.

As she approached the lady looked up and went to open her mouth to speak, but before she could Eclipse suddenly reached forward, gripped the lady by the collar and lifted up slightly. The members of the class gasped, but all Aizawa could do was smirk in response. No one tried to interfere.

"I'm her childhood friend. I've known her since before we even attended proper school. How would you feel if someone you cared for like a sister or brother was in hospital and you couldn't do anything to save them?!" She growled. The other desk lady had turned and was watching, but neither of them called security yet.

Eclipse took another moment to look into the woman's eyes before she slowly let go of them. They returned to sitting in their chair, still staring up at the silver-haired girl. Eclipse turned away with her eyes closed, refusing to look at anymore. She hesitated for a moment before she spoke.

"...Feel free to contact her parents if you would wish, but they consider me family. Those behind me are her classmates, and every single one of them is beyond worried about her. Her parents would let us in, so we ask of you. Give us her room number."

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Thanks to Eclipse's outburst, the lady had looked up Rani's parents' phone number and had rung them to make sure it was okay to let her class in.

From what the class understood, Oye had given the girl quite a mouthful for not letting them in sooner, but it didn't last long. Before long, the phone call ended and they'd found out Rani's room number. 307

They'd just arrived out front of the room, but everyone hesitated. The air felt heavy as they looked around at each for support. Bakugou stood at the very back, and was the most hesitant to come and see her. After all, she'd been injured after trying to protect him. He'd witnessed her injuries first hand and couldn't help feel responsible for them.

Todoroki, on the other hand, was the opposite. He'd been ready to come visit Rani the moment he'd found out where she was. Like Bakugou, he'd witnessed her injury himself and felt response for it as well. After all, he'd seen both Rani push Bakugou out of the way and then take the hit, while all he did was stand there. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but instead of trying to feel bad for himself or for Rani he was going to try and do everything in his power to help her from now on.

Something about Rani just gave him the strength to that. He didn't know where it was coming from, but he felt as though he grew a little stronger every time he was around her.

Lily suddenly sighed, breaking everyone away from their thoughts.
"If you guys are done daydreaming or feeling sorry for yourselves or whatever..." she trailed off, reaching for the door and twisting the handle. She didn't need to say anymore, everyone was already aware about what she meant.

With the door to Rani Fujimoto's hospital room opened, her class began to flood inside and out of the hallway. The scene reminded her classmates of when she was injured during the USJ, but there was something different about this time.

Rani was absolutely covered in cords and different medical equipment keeping her alive. Slightly bloody bandages wrapped her wounds, needles dug into her skin on the top of her hand and a mask rested over her face giving her oxygen. Multiple machines had been placed beside her bed, one of which showed her heart rate and gave off a beeping sound every few seconds.

The class at first was frozen, but after a few seconds one of them moved.

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