♡ Her Quirk (Pt 2) ♡

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Rani P.O.V

That day's lessons went by pretty quickly. Although it stung every now and then, I could do everything the same despite my injury. Occasionally during classes, I spotted Todoroki looking at me, but as soon as I turned to him he would turn away.

Eventually, I gave up on looking at him and began to doodle in my little book. When the bell finally rang, I couldn't get the energy to stand up and move, so I sat there and continued. To my surprise, no one left the classroom aside from Aizawa. I watched from the corner of my eye as everyone's eyes were on me.

Before long, I saw Iida walking towards me. He stopped directly beside my desk, his body posture stiff as per usual.

"Rani, May we talk to you for a moment?" I nodded, wincing quietly at the pain in my hand. Before Iida could continue, Midoriya butted in.

"W-We.. Uhm, All as a class, H-Have decided to uhm..." While waiting for Midoriya to get to the point, I realized I had drawn a broken heart, by my facial expression didn't change.
"God damn it, nerd. Dumbass, We wanna see your quirk." Bakugou stated sharply. I put my led pencil on my desk and went into my pencil-case, grabbing my purple pencil.

"Guys, do you really think that's a good idea? After all her hand is injured." Todoroki added, switching his attention between me and Iida.

"I have to agree with Todoroki on this one guys, shouldn't we have done this another time?" Kirishima mumbled.

"Sure," I added in suddenly. Iida turned to me and continued.

"But we believe it is only fair, after all, you know all of-- Wait what?" He questioned, looking surprised. I finished colouring in my heart, closed the book, and stood up. I crossed my arms, making sure not to touch my bandage and turned to them.

"I said that's fine. I never said I was against sharing my quirk, you guys just didn't ask. If you guys simply came up to me and asked what it was, I would have told you." I then turned to Todoroki. "And Don't worry Shoto and Kirishima. I'll be fine. It's not like this simple injury could slow me down."

"It wasn't a simple injury.." Todoroki mumbled under his breath. I sighed and turned to Iida.

"Come on. Follow me."

I led the class out of the classroom and onto the oval. From behind me, I could hear all of my classmates mumbling and chatting to one other, they all seemed excited to find out what my quirk was. However, there were also 2 who were staying out of the conversation, Bakugou and Todoroki.

When we arrived at about the middle of the oval, I turned to my classmates. Conversations stopped instantly, and everyone's attention was on me.

"Alright, so.. You guys wanna see my quirk?"
The class nodded, and I placed one hand on my hip. "Very well. Alright, Who was the person who suggested this to the class?" I waited for a moment before Midoriya spoke up.

"Todoroki and Kacchan.." I looked at both of them, face unchanged. Bakugou had looked away and Shoto had his head down slightly.

"Come on up here then. Since you suggested it, you'll be helping me." The two slowly but surely made their way over to me, standing directly in front of me. I took about 3 big steps back before I stood still. "I'm gonna need one of you to volunteer."

"If the other one volunteers can the other go back?" Bakugou asked.
"Nope," I said, popping the p. He grumbled slightly before I saw Todoroki slowly raise his head.
"I will.. I trust you." 

I nodded at him, repressing the urge to comment on if that was a good idea. He then made his way slowly and hesitantly out to stand in from of me, his face remained unreadable. The class was silent behind him as he took his place, and once he was ready, I turned to my class and spoke.

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