♡ Emergency ♡

555 22 1

Rani P.O.V

With a shocked expression present on my face, I turn around to meet eyes with Shoto. His expression shows exactly how I feel, and it was at this moment that I knew we were thinking the same thing.

Before either of us had a chance to respond, Endeavor had already charged off towards the Nomu, leaving the two of us in the side of the street alone. Turning back to where the Nomu was, I spoke.

"A Nomu..?! What's it doing here??" I quietly exclaim, trying not to bring any attention to me or Todoroki.

"That's the same creature that attacked us in the USJ."

"You don't say. Come on! We gotta help the citizens!" Leaving Shoto without a chance to respond nor argue, I began to run towards the citizens who had originally been attacked. 

Endeavor had managed to lead the Nomu slightly away, giving me and Shoto room to get the people out. When I arrived only a few seconds later, I was greeted with two adults, one male and the other female, holding each other tightly.

Shoto arrived just behind me as I spoke, trying my best to make sure the citizens were okay. "You two! You guys aren't injured, are you? No pain anywhere?" I question.

It takes the couple only a second to look up from each other and two us. They stand there for a moment before they shake their head slightly, letting me breathe out a small breath in relief. I turned to Shoto, who had his default monotoned expression on, and nodded towards him.

I then ran away from the three of them. From behind me, I could hear the distant sound of them talking, but I didn't have time to focus on them. I quickly ran around, trying to locate any more people I could help. After only a few moments, I heard a cry from somewhere on my left, and quickly ran in that direction.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

This continued on for a while. While I don't know exactly what Todoroki did, I ran around helping anyone I possibly could. Assisting pro heroes where I could, and helping the citizens evacuate the area. It had been maybe 10 minutes when I finally found Todoroki among the crowds, he looked slightly puffed, and I could see the growing frostbite on his arm.

"Shoto!" I called, rushing over to him. He turned around almost instantly, expression relaxing when he noticed it was me. He ran towards me as well, hugging me tightly as soon as we were close enough to make contact.

This surprised me a little, but I decided not to comment. Todoroki let go of me just as quickly, his expression turning back to normal. "Rani, there you are! Are you okay?"

I nod, a confident smirk rising to my face. "Of course. It takes a bit more than that to take me out."

All Shoto does in response is shake his head, his own smirk finding its way into his face. "As can be expected from you, Rani."

I open my mouth to speak, but I don't have enough time. There's suddenly a huge explosion to my left, causing both mine and Shoto's attention to fling in that direction. From over the buildings we see the rising flames burning, casting light into the sky and the surrounding streets. After only just a moment, Todoroki and I both turn away from the light and to each other.

The two of us simply stare at each other for a moment, before I open my mouth so speak slowly. "I don't suppose that would be your father's quirk... would it?"

"Most likely not."

"Well come on! We have to do-" 

It would seem life has some sort of habit with interrupting my sentences, as just before I can finish, both me and Todoroki receive a ding on our phones.

Raising an eyebrow, I quickly bring my phone out from my pocket and check my home screen. Knowing this wasn't the time to be answering messages, I only scanned over it at first, but the moment I saw what was sent, I made a shiver go down my spine.

On my home-screen was a message from Midoriya, but it wasn't just any message. It was just a message with his position. No explanation, no nothing. Just where he was. 

Turning to look at Todoroki, he turned to look at me. I knew from his expression he had received the same message, and it didn't even take me a moment to release what he was thinking.

Turning his back to the growing flames in from to of me, he then turned to look at me from over his shoulder. "I'm going to check on Midoriya. Something is wrong."

"I can agree with that, but I'm coming with you."

"But shouldn't you be helping-"

"If you mean the pros or your father, don't bother finishing that sentence. They can handle it on their own. I'm coming with you, end of story."

Todoroki waits only a moment before nodding, turning to look straight ahead and begins to run. I follow after him, meddling with my phone on the way.

That's when I noticed something. Looking up from my phone for a moment, I knew that something was going to happen - but at the same time, I knew I had to risk it. After a few minutes of following Todoroki, I then turned down a different alley, on a mission to help my classmates.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Narrator P.O.V

When Todoroki arrived at the scene, it would be a lie to say he wasn't at all shocked. Iida was laying on the ground, Native, a pro hero that Shoto recalled was also laying on the ground, while Midoriya was trying his best not to be hit with attacks. 

Preparing his own attack, when there was an opening he took it. Announcing his presence to the famous hero killer and his classmates.

Giving Midoriya a slight talking to about giving more info next time, Todoroki then proceeded to get into a battle stance. The two boys then continued to fight Stain, doing their best to protect both their classmate and pro hero.

On the other hand, Rani was only praying that she had made the right decision. She ran and ran, with the two people she had gathered following close behind her. She trusted Shoto and Midoriya and knew that they'd both do whatever they had to keep each other and whoever else safe. Maybe it was selfish, but she had only wished that for once the two boys hadn't been so self-sacrificing.

"There are so many fake pros in this world nowadays.." Stain stated. He had been sprouting what sounded like bullshit to Shoto, but he was too focused on making it out alive to care. 

He'd noticed about 5 minutes ago that Rani wasn't behind him, and was worried sick. He knew he didn't have time to be emotional though, so he continued to fight like his life depended on it - which it sorta did!

As Todoroki took a step back for a moment, his eyes widened when Stain suddenly threw a knife in his direction. Midoriya turned and yelled out his name, and Todoroki began to raise his hand up to use his ice. But even in his head, he knew he wasn't quick enough, and honestly was ready for this to be over. 

What surprised him the most was when a shape suddenly jumped in front of him and blocked the knife, holding it tightly in their grip.

It only took him a second to realise that it was Rani, and that she was not only alive, well and safe, but she'd also brought along some friends.

Sanosuke and Mio.

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