♡ Park ♡

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Rani P.O.V

Once I arrived at the Ice cream shop across from the park, I sit on one of the tables outside, catching my breath. It doesn't take long for Shinso, Todoroki and Bakugou to catch up to me. Once they arrive, I get yelled at by Bakugou, claiming that I shouldn't have run off, leaving me unable to keep my laughter in.

Once Bakugou finally finishes his rant, the 4 of us head inside. Luckily for us, the place wasn't at all crowded. After looking around for a moment, I turn to the guys.

"So, are we gonna eat in here or at the park?" I ask, smiling at the three of them.

"I'd say in the park, it's a very nice day outside." Shinso responds, placing a finger on his chin, as Bakugou and Todoorki look between him and I. I take a moment, looking between the boys, before responding. 

"Yeah, I agree! You guys ok with that? Katsuki? Shoto?" The two turn to look at me, nodding their heads in agreement. I smile at the group, before turning to the counter. "So, What Ice cream does everyone want?"

"I'll have whatever you're having, Rani." Shinso responds, crossing his arms.

"Tch, I'll have Chocolate.." Bakugou sighs, glaring out the corner of his eye. I turn to look at Bakugou, smile still present on my face, but this time with wide eyes. 


"Shut up, Princess!"

I can't help but chuckle at the angry blonde thing in front of me, responding in just a moment. "Chill out, Katsuki. I just was a little surprised is all! I love Choolate."

"I'd like some Strawberry if that's ok." Shoto cuts in, silently glaring at both Bakugou and Shinso. 

"Sure!" I exclaim. "I'll be right back!"

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Narrator P.O.V

As Rani walks to speak to the person at the counter, Bakugou almost instantly turns to look at Shinso, giving his natural glare. "Hey Dumbass."

"Yes Bakugou?" Shinso responds, not turning his attention away from Rani in front of him.

"Let's make something clear. Me and the Half-N-Half bastard over there don't like each other, but if you lay a single hand on Rani, I will blow you sky-high. Understood?"

"And who said I had any intention of hurting her?" Shinso retorts, raising an eyebrow.

"You have a brainwashing quirk, who knows what the fuck you could do." Bakugou growls under his breath.

"It's clear to me that the 3 of us love her, and to prove my theory I'd be happy to use my quirk and ask, but let's just remember one thing, shall we?" Shinso then smirks and turns to the two boys. "She's been mad at both of you before, you guys have caused her many problems in the past, why in the world would she want to be with either of you?"

Bakugou and Todoroki can't help but stare wide-eyed at the general-studies student in front of them. They knew he had a point, but there was no way in hell they would admit he was right. "And why would she want to be with you? The only fucking conversation you two have had was at the festival, where she fucking saved your retarded ass if I recall correctly." Bakugou states.

"Who said we haven't talked beside then? She's her own person you know, and maybe if you two weren't so caught up in battling each other for her you'd notice the little things she does for everyone."

"You-" Bakugou tries to continue, but is cut off when Todoroki suddenly butts in.

"Have we even tried considering her feelings on this? She's made no move towards any of us, so how do we know she even likes one of us. She could like Kaminari or Kirishima for all we know." 

Both Bakugou and Shinso turn to look at him, wide eyes and opened mouths. After just a moment the two boys turn away from each other and Todoroki, glaring at something around them. Thankfully, the two boys didn't notice Todoroki's cheeks turn slightly pink, remembering the kiss he had shared with Rani.

He felt horrible about it and blamed himself for her being upset the following week. He didn't understand what came over him at that point, believing that he should have waited to ask her. Little did he know what Rani was thinking of the situation, but he was too scared to ask, too scared to lose someone close to him like his mother all over again.

The boys continue to stand there in silence, but it isn't long before Rani approaches them, Ice Cream in hand. 

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Rani P.O.V

"I'm back! Ready to go guys?" I ask, smiling at the three boys. Judging by their facial expressions, I could tell something was up, but at the same time, I decided that it was better not to question them or pry, at least not yet.

It only takes Shoto a moment until he looks up at me, face back to its default monotone expression. "Sure." I smile once again, before I hand everyone their icecreams. With Shinso and Bakugou quiet, Me and Todoroki make our way out the door and to the park, eating our ice creams while chatting.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Narrator P.O.V

Todoroki could tell that both Shinso and Bakugou were jealous, but judging from the conversation they had, none had the spirit to try and talk, leaving Todoroki all to himself. As she continued to chat about a funny family moment when her brother got pushed into a pool, he examined her features, every single one.

In the darkness under the blossom tree, he couldn't see it then, but right now and up close, he could finally see how beautiful Rani really was. From the way her blue eyes sparkled in the daylight, to the way her smile could light up an entire room. He couldn't get it out of his head. 

For the next few hours, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinso and Rani spend their afternoon at the park, chatting and slightly bickering at all sorts of things. Their conversation topics shifted from hero work to U.A, personal lives all the way to random things. Hours and hours pass, and it isn't long until the 3 males have to leave.

Despite not wanting to, the three of them say goodbye to the purple-haired female and head back to their own homes. Rani, who had been sitting on the ground near them, finally stands up and stretches her arms. Tilting her head up to the sky, Rani spots a star shooting by, and smiles to herself. 

She wonders to herself what her future holds, what could possibly happen between her and Todoroki, her and Shinso, and her and Bakugou. After only a few moments, she lowers her head once again and goes to take a step forward, only to be stopped when a voice sounds behind her.

"Well, Well, Well.. What do we have here?"

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