♡ Attack ♡

446 16 4

Rani P.O.V

If someone had asked me to explain to them what had happened in the next few moments, I'd be able to answer them in 2 words.
Absolute chaos.

I was not aware who had shouted nor from what direction it had came, but the moment the words had reached my ears I felt as if I could faint.

Villains? Here? What where they doing? Why were they here and what did they want? Did they came here just because of our class? Was everyone okay?

As the final question crossed my mind, I finally came back into reality. I was disappointed in myself, normally, I was able to keep my cool in situations like these. I didn't have time to be worrying about those things, there were people who needed help.

With my facial expression turning into one of determination, I turned my attention to look at Momo - but I was surprised to say the least when she was no where to be seen.

I took a moment to look around, wondering which way she could have gone but I couldn't see any hint. I was alone.

I took a moment to decide the best course of action, whether to stay put, head back to camp or go and find others. The most logic and safe option would have been to head back, but I knew I was slightly more trained in proper combat. I had fought villains before with my parents, and I knew that unlike my class, class 1B didn't have any experience fighting proper villains.

I'd made up my mind within seconds, and I quickly took off in a sprint into the forest. The wind brushed and flew past my ear, reminding me of the way a horse galloped through a field. Within the distance, above the top of the trees I spotted something flying up ahead, and it wasn't long before I realised what it was.

Mio. Mio was flying around, if I could just get to her then everything would be okay. I could ask her about the situation and then we could decide what to do from there.

That's what I thought I was going to do anyway, but that changed when I heard a voice from my left, a voice I knew all to well. I stopped and turned in that direction, hesitating for only a moment before heading that way.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

When I arrived at the source of the voice, it was exactly how I'd expected it. Standing in a clearing was Katsuki and Shoto, who were brushing themselves off after defeating what looked to be like one of the villains.

Looking around for a moment to check there wasn't any danger, I careful made my way out of my hiding place and towards my two classmates, causing them to turn in my direction as I approached.
"Shoto! Katsuki! Thank god you two are okay!"

In response, Bakugou smirked and placed a hand on his side. "What? Thought we're not tough enough to handle a few villains?"

I couldn't help but role my eyes at his remark and turn to look at Shoto, who simply nodded.
"So, does someone wanna give me a run down of what's happening?"

"The League Of Villains are attacking the camp," Shoto turned to me and said. Before he could get to any of the details I actually needed, however, Bakugou turned and interrupted him.

"No shit, Half-N-Half. Who did you think was attacking, Jesus?"
"Save your bickering for later," I sighed, "we gotta get back to the main site. But there's still so many people within the woods that could be in need of our assistance..."

I stood there for a moment and once again thought over my options. We'd been told not to engage with the enemy but still... our classmates could be in danger. Bakugou and Shoto watched me in silence as I placed a hand on my chin, but my heart suddenly sped up when from the corner of my eye I watched as the man Bakugou and Shoto has defeated began to rise up again to his feet.

My mouth suddenly felt dry and I couldn't move. I was unable to warn the two of the in coming danger. All I could do was watch as my eyes grew wider, the villain activating his quirk once he was standing.

My body moved on it's own. My hand dropped away from my face and pushed themselves towards Bakugou.

My hands pushed against Bakugou and knocked him out of the way of the in coming blades, but what I hadn't thought about in that moment was what was going to happen to me.

Just after I had pushed Bakugou out of the way, a sharp pain filled every nerve in my body and tears formed in the corner of my eyes. My vision began to flash between blurred and red, but despite the extreme pain all I could was look down.

The metal teeth that had come from the unnamed Villain had impaled me, stained red from my blood. I couldn't even think another word before I faded into darkness...

So uh, OOF
- Rani

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