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Rani P.O.V

I quickly hurried Shoto towards the infirmary. When we arrived, I gently placed him on one of the beds, before backing up, leaving room for Recovery Girl.

She got started on his wounds, and after a few minutes, the door opened. When I turned my attention away from Recovery Girl and Shoto, I found Midoriya and Eclipse standing at the door. Recovery Looks up from Shoto and to me, eyebrow raised. I give her a smile, rushing the two in.

"How is he?" Midoriya asked, fidgeting his hands.

"He'll be fine, deary. Just some rest for now." Midoriya, Eclipse and I nod at her, as she makes her way away from Shoto and back to her desk.

My head lowers to look at Todoroki, sleeping peacefully on the bed in front of me. Without saying anything to the others, I make my way to end of the bed, sitting down carefully and slowly.

"Rani." Eclipse states suddenly, I look up at her, waiting for her to continue. "Stop with that face."

"What face?" I ask in return, confused.

"That one of worry, concern and despair. Todoroki will be fine, and besides, he wouldn't want the first thing he sees to be you frowning. Remember what he told you?" Eclipse questions.

While Midoriya looks between the two of us and Todoroki questionably, I nod at Eclipse slowly. "...You're right."

"I'm not right very often, do you mind repeating that for my ringtone?"

"Oh shut it." Midoriya watches the two of giggle softly, before I turn my attention back to Shoto, a small now present on my face.

"You know Rani, I've been wondering. Normally I would have asked privately, but now's the time I suppose. It seems both Todoroki and Bakugou have their eyes on you." Eclipse adds.

Both Midoriya and I turn to her in surprise. "Wait wha?" I manage to squeak out.

"Kacchan?!" Midoriya exclaims, receiving an 'shh' from Recovery Girl. Eclipse just nods, crossing her arms calmly.

"Yeah. I noticed them being extremely worried about you the first day the class visited. Besides, don't you think their performance out there was a little strange?" She questions.

My attention turns away from the Silver-haired girl speaking to me, and back to the sleeping Todoroki on my right.

"...I suppose... Thing's were a little different out there... But that surely hasn't got anything to do with me... right?" All Eclipse could do was shrug, Midoriya was frozen in shock from hearing Bakugou's name.

"I couldn't tell you, and it's not like we could ask what happened before-hand. Bakugou wouldn't tell us, and Todoroki's currently out like a light."

I nod. "Well.. Maybe some things are just better not known.."

"I-I Suppose.." Midoriya finally managed to choke out.

Eclipse had taken a seat in a vistor chair, Midoriya was standing in between us and I was seated at the end of Todoroki's bed eventually. After a few minutes since the end of our conversation, Todoroki finally came to.

The first thing he saw was me, sitting at his feet, smiling.

"Rani..?" He questioned, sounding tired. I nod, not saying anything. Shoto Slowly sat up, looking around the room, spotting Eclipse and Midoriya in the process. After a few moments, he placed his hand on his face, mumbling to us.

"I guess I lost.. Hey?"

All Eclipse and Midoriya could do was make weird faces at him, leaving me to do the talking.

Battle of the Heroes | My Hero Academia x Rani FujimotoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon