♡ Her Quirk (Pt 1) ♡

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Rani P.O.V

After being questioned by my classmates for the rest of the day, I managed to finally get some quiet time. With Earbuds in, I was making my way out of the gate when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stopped still for a minute, sighing quietly, before I took the earbuds out of my ears, and turned around. Standing in front of me was Todoroki, he was looking directly at me with his bag on one shoulder, and a monotone expression on his face. I smiled at him, placing my earbuds and phone in my pocket.

"Hey Todoroki."

"Hey Rani. You off home?" I nod.

"Yeah, I was just about to anyways. Is everything ok?" I questioned.

"Yeah.. Everything's fine. I was just wondering if I could walk home with you." My mouth opened slightly, surprised by his request. It wasn't long before my expression turned back into a smile, and I smiled brightly at him. With my eyes closed and my jaw slightly strained from how I was smiling, I responded.

"Of course Todoroki! I live about a 30-minute walk from here, you alright with that?" "Yeah. That's fine. Shall we get going?" With a smile still plastered on my face, I turned around and nod. Opening my eyes and continue to walk. Little did I know that behind me, the cheeks of the bi-haired male had lit up with a light pink, only just noticeable, but for the first time.

On the walk back to my place, Todoroki and I got to know each other a little better. We discussed each other's interests, and Todoroki even asked me about my brother, Xander. He explained to me what he had said after I left, and I quickly apologised for his actions. We discussed what had happened in class 1A before I entered, and I was surprised when he explained that Aizawa had convinced nearly everyone that the lowest scoring student, on the first day, would have been expelled.

After walking and talking for about 20 minutes, the conversation had finally calmed down. We were now walking in silence, while people walked by us. I had my head down slightly, lost in thought, when suddenly I felt a cold hand on my arm, pulling me back. When I finally came into reality, I saw a truck zoom past the both of us.

When I looked at my right arm, I found a bleeding cut on the top of my hand, and when I turned to Todoroki, I found he was holding onto my left arm and had pulled me close to him. He was looking at me as per usual, but I thought I saw a hint of concern in his gaze.

"Are you alright? You should have been paying more attention." I nod my head slowly.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry about that. I was.. lost in thought."

"I could tell." It wasn't long before he spotted the cut on my hand. He cursed under his breath before letting go of my arm, and carefully taking hold of my right hand. My eyes widened at his actions, but I didn't pull away.

"How far's your house?" He asked suddenly. I looked around for a moment before I responded.

"About maybe, 5 minutes..?" He slowly stood up from his slightly bent position, before we continued on our way back to my place.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

When I arrived at my door, Todoroki was the one who opened it for me. He came in behind me, shut the door, then turned.

"Go sit on the chair. Where are your medical supplies?" My Eyes widened at him, this was the second time he had surprised me today, but in truth, I was happy I was seeing another side of him.

"Todoroki, you don't need to--" I tried to say, but he cut me off.

"Please, let me." I looked him dead in the eyes, but my own expression softened when I saw the look of guilt and sadness in his eyes. I sighed to myself, before pointing to the kitchen.

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