♡ Exceptions ♡

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Narrator P.O.V

When Shoto turned to the source of the voice, he was surprised to find Shinso standing beside him, hands in his pocket and his normal scolding expression plastered on his face.

"Yeah. Shinso right? You sat with us at the sports festival." Replied the youngest of the Todoroki household. "Was there something you needed?"

"I couldn't help but see the conversation you and Rani were having.. if I may as so rude to ask, what's your relationship with her?"

Shoto's eyes widened at the sudden question, realising that this guy wasn't here for small talk. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how do you think of her? What exactly is your connection or, in other words, status with her?" Shoto's shocked expression turned into a more angry one, one of which he hasn't used in a long time since meeting Rani. He takes a step forward towards Rani's newest friend, before replying.

"Excuse me? Why do you want to know?"

"Drop the tough-guy act, would you? Unless there's something you don't want anyone knowing?" Shinso smirks.

Todoroki was about to respond, before being painfully reminded of the general-studies students' quirk, brainwashing. The smirk that Shinso had given him gave his plan away, and Shoto was able to stop himself from answering.

"Damn. Smarter than you look." Shinso says after a moment. "Anyways. I just wanna make sure she's ok. I don't know about you, but she's the first person to ever talk to me willingly, already knowing about my quirk. She's my first ever friend, and if you hurt her for even a second, I wouldn't hesitate to hurt you."

Shoto blinked a few times at the male, realising what this was about. He wasn't surprised, however, Rani was indeed an incredible person, and he wasn't surprised she'd attracted the attention of other males.

Wait, what was he thinking? He quickly shook his head and turned back to the male, answering with a clenched fiat at his side.

"I have no intention of hurting her, not now, not ever. Although, I have to ask... you like her, don't you?"

"Define 'like'" Shinso replied, not even batting an eye at Shoto's words.

"As in love, more as a friend."

"I wouldn't know. I've never felt that way before, so wrong person to ask, buddy. In return, however, do you 'like her?"

As if Shinso had placed down a reverse card in a game of uno, Shoto stopped dead for a moment, thinking over his answer. He eyed Shinso directly, as if looking into his soul. Nothing about him said he was lying, so he decides to tell him the absolute truth.

"Since you were so honest with me.. in truth, I don't know either. I've never felt the way I feel about Rani with anyone else, and the emotions I feel whenever she's hurt and in trouble.. it's killing me inside, you know?" Shinso nods. "If anything, I wish I'd be able to figure out what these emotions mean.. cause at this rate I'm going to lose my sanity."

Shinso takes a moment, thinking over Shoto's words, before nodding once again and turning around. Without calling and saying anything else, Shinso then makes his way back to his own classroom, quickly and subtly reminding Shoto of his own lessons.

He quickly checks to make sure he and Rani didn't forget anything, before making his way back to 1A classroom. Rani, on the other hand, was already inside the classroom, waiting for Aizawa and Todoroki to either wake up or arrived.

She was leaning against the desk, with her head resting in her palm, when suddenly she felt a vibrating sensation on her leg. She quickly looks down and removes her phone from her pocket, only to find that Eclipse had been the one who had messaged her.

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